- Forty-sixth -

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Jungkook followed Taehyung for a moment, saying nothing. No words had been spoken since they left the restaurant, and the teenager just stared at the man's back as he walked slowly. He didn't really know what to think of the situation. Had he really asked Soyoon for a divorce? And why? And why was his presence necessary? Why was he walking with him now, when he had promised himself never to cross his path again? He was completely lost and terrified. Yes, terrified. Because deep down, he was still afraid that Taehyung would hate him. When Jin had told him that the thirty-year-old wanted to see him, a flame of hope had lit up inside him. It was tiny, almost imperceptible, but it was there. And he had unconsciously clung to it. But if Taehyung rejected him, this time he really couldn't bear it. He wouldn't be able to live anymore, the pain would kill him instantly.

They finally arrived at a car park, and Jungkook could see Taehyung's car parked a few metres from them. He'd followed him here, but he honestly didn't know what would happen next. Was he going to take him back to his uncle? Yes, that was surely what would happen. What else could it be?

Taehyung stopped in front of his car door, without turning round. Jungkook also stopped moving forward, stopping a few metres further on. He watched Taehyung with his big doe eyes, uncertain, his fingers intertwined with apprehension.

They stayed like that for a while, not talking, not looking at each other. Jungkook could sense that the man was tense, and the irregular breathing he heard only confirmed his doubts. Perhaps he should take the first step? But maybe Taehyung didn't want to hear him. After all, he most certainly hated him.

"T-Taehyung?" he tried, fear and uncertainty evident in his voice.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook..."

Ah, that was it. Jungkook knew this would happen. Taehyung was a good person and he wasn't going to reject him unkindly, obviously. He was going to do it gently, softly, telling him it was just an adventure, that there were no feelings involved. He'd been prepared for this, he'd seen it coming. But it was going to hurt, it was going to hurt so much. He could already feel the pain, his legs threatening to give out on him, and the tears beading on his eyelids.

"I-it doesn't matter, I understand..." Jungkook sighed despite the lump that had formed in his throat. "You don't have to say it, I've understood the signals..."

He turned and was about to leave, but two arms immediately came around him from behind, preventing him from taking the slightest step.

"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked immediately, worried. "Please don't go, kitten..."

'Kitten'? Jungkook felt his heart clench and tears fall as he heard the nickname. Why was he doing this to him? When there was no hope? He didn't think Taehyung was that cruel.

"S-Stop, l-leave me alone..." Stammered Jungkook, on the verge of bursting into tears.

"No." Taehyung replied firmly, pulling him a little closer to him. "Otherwise I know that this time you'll disappear for good. And I couldn't bear that."

Jungkook struggled weakly, trying in vain to free himself from his hold. Taehyung took the opportunity to turn him around, and now the two men were facing each other. And what they saw broke both their hearts a little more: they both looked so sad and scared, like lost puppies.

"I beg you," continued Taehyung, "don't abandon me..."

"Why are you doing this to me? Stop it..." complained Jungkook. I don't want any more of this... I don't want to be the mistress who has to hide for fear of being rejected... I'd rather leave before that happens..."

Taehyung's eyes widened. Was this really how he saw their relationship? Did he really think Taehyung would throw him away like a piece of trash when he got bored? Did he really live with this constant fear? Taehyung felt horrible. He'd promised Jin he'd protect Jungkook, but all this time he'd done nothing but make him miserable.

And yet he couldn't let him go. Surely it was for the best, surely he was too toxic for the teenager, but he couldn't do it. He needed him too much. He had innocently become his reason for living.

"You were never just a mistress." Taehyung murmured, so softly that he wondered if the boy had heard him.

Jungkook relaxed a little in his arms, and looked at him with his beautiful doe eyes. Mmh, he'd heard him.


"You've always been so much more. From the first moment we met you made a place for yourself in my heart, and you've never left. I didn't want to marry Soyoon, especially not after meeting you. But I'd made a commitment, and I was too scared to go back on it. And it was even harder when I saw you before the ceremony. Because afterwards, you never left my thoughts. When Soyoon walked to the altar, all I could do was imagine you in her place. Every day I wondered what my life would have been like if I'd made the right choice, if I'd married you instead of her.

He took a deep breath, seeing that the boy had calmed down. He listened attentively, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

"I won't make the same mistake again." he continued. "I've been stupid, the worst kind of idiot, and I've caused you so much pain. But I promise you that I'll make an effort, that I'll improve. I'll do everything I can to become a better man. So please, don't go. Just stay with me. Because, damn it Jungkook, I love you so much. I love you to death."

Jungkook felt his legs give up and Taehyung caught him in time. But he didn't pay any attention, all that invaded his mind were the words he'd just spoken. "I love you". He had dreamt of hearing them so much that now they seemed unreal. He couldn't believe it, he must have misheard. Taehyung couldn't love him. Someone as kind, caring, benevolent and perfect as Taehyung couldn't love him. He, who was so weak, ugly, imperfect, didn't deserve it. And yet he wanted to believe it. Oh, he wanted so much to believe it.

"Say it again. Please, say it again..."

Taehyung smiled weakly.

"I love you Jungkook. More than anything else in the world."

The teenager felt tears running down his cheeks, and soon torrents poured from his eyes, sobbing loudly. He threw himself into Taehyung's arms, and Taehyung held him tightly, so tightly that he was afraid of suffocating him. But he couldn't help it, he needed to feel him against him so much.

"Me too... I love you too... if only you knew how much I love you..."

Taehyung couldn't contain his tears either.

"Ssh baby, everything's fine, everything's fine..."


The man stroked his hair tenderly, waiting patiently for the boy to calm down. When all he heard was sniffling, he slowly broke away and wiped his cheeks with his fingertips.

"My precious little baby..."

He leaned over gently and captured his lips between his, kissing him tenderly. Jungkook didn't oppose, revelling in the sensation he had missed so much. It seemed like an eternity ago. They parted quickly, touching foreheads and gazing at each other lovingly.

"Shall we go home, my love?"

Jungkook nodded and smiled, tears threatening to fall again.


Loving The Wrong Man (SD) ➸ Taekook ✓Where stories live. Discover now