- Thirty-second -

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When Jungkook woke up, he crawled into bed for a while before getting up. No sooner had he left his room than he was engulfed by the silence of the household. It was rather early, and he was used to being the first to wake up, being a light sleeper. He tiptoed towards the kitchen, carefully descending the stairs so as not to wake anyone: he'd much rather have breakfast on his own than run the risk of ending up eating with his grandparents or his mother, even though she probably wouldn't be up until midday. When he reached the kitchen, however, he could see that someone had beaten him to it, but he was relieved when he realised it was Taehyung: the man was making himself a cup of tea. He was so concentrated that he didn't even hear the teenager arrive.

Jungkook approached gently, making as little noise as possible, and tenderly embraced the thirty-year-old from behind, resting his head against his back. He thought he was scaring him, but the man didn't even flinch.

"Did you really think you could surprise me, kitten?" Taehyung asked him mockingly. "As long as you'll smell that good, don't even think about it."

Jungkook pulled away, allowing Taehyung to turn around, and made one of the most adorable pout the man had ever seen.

"You're really not funny, Daddy..." he sulked, making sure that no-one else could hear him.

Taehyung chuckled and wrapped his arms around the boy, engulfing him in a comforting hug. Jungkook let himself go with pleasure, burying his face in the thirty-year-old's chest, inhaling his masculine scent. It was crazy how good they felt when they were in each other's arms. They felt complete. Jungkook felt safe, protected from all the hardships of the world, and Taehyung felt great inner peace. They were... home.

They held this position for a good minute, completely forgetting where they were and the risks they were running. Finally, Taehyung loosened his grip a little and gently came to take hold of the teenager's chin, straightening him up to look into his eyes, their lips just a few millimetres apart. And he waited no longer to bring them together, kissing him tenderly. They parted with a "plop", without the thirty-year-old taking his hands off his waist.

"My morning kiss." he explained, smiling.

Jungkook laughed, revealing his adorable bunny smile.

"You missed it, didn't you?" he asked.

"You can't imagine how much." Taehyung replied, nuzzling the back of his neck and inhaling his baby scent.

It took another minute for them to part (this time for good), and Taehyung sent him to sit down, placing one last kiss on his forehead.

"Go take a sit, kitten, I'm coming with breakfast."

Jungkook nodded happily and moved off towards the dining room. Jin arrived at the same moment, already in full form to wake the whole household with his exaggerated laughter.


Sitting on one of the deckchairs in the garden, Taehyung watched with a smile as Jungkook played with Namjoon in the pool. The thirty-year-old was openly relieved to see that this family wasn't just made up of idiots who were clearly neglecting the poor teenager. He had got to know the Kim couple a little the day before, and had discovered that he had a lot in common with them. Jin and Namjoon were very different, but they complemented each other perfectly, and he found them both fascinating and endearing. He thought it was a pity that their relationship was so little accepted by the family, because apart from the eccentric personality of the eldest, they were warm-hearted, and Taehyung had loved the few conversations they'd had. And to top that, they adored Jungkook, just like he did.

Just then, a shadow appeared on his deckchair, and when he turned his head, he saw that Jin had come and sat down next to him, stretching out on the deckchair and readjusting his sunglasses.

"It's hot today!" exclaimed Jin. "We're all going to end the day with a sunburn!"

Taehyung laughed.

"Jungkook and I are wearing sun cream, so we should be fine. Although Kookie's skin is whiter than mine... I'll put some on him later..."

Jin turned to the thirty-year-old, one eyebrow arched.

"You seem to care a lot about Jungkook." he remarked.

It was Taehyung's turn to raise his eyebrows.

"Why, shouldn't I?"

"Oh yes, it's just... I'm a bit surprised that Soyoon's husband likes his son so much, given that she herself hates him."

This revelation pained Taehyung, squeezing his chest, but sadly it didn't surprise him. He had already understood that by himself very well.

"Their relationship doesn't concern me." Taehyung replied simply. "Jungkook is a nice, well-behaved child who only wants love. And his mother isn't there to give it to him."

Jin stared at him sceptically.

"So you'll take care of him instead?" he asked him in return. "I'm sorry if I sound intrusive, but your affection doesn't seem the least bit parental to me. You don't kiss your stepson."

Taehyung froze. No, he hadn't seen them... had he? Oh no, everything but that... He'd made sure no one was coming down the stairs, he'd put his ear to the ground to make sure he picked up the slightest noise...

Jin noticed the sudden tension into which he had plunged the thirty-year-old, and a small victorious smile appeared on his lips.

"Relax," he continued, "I'm not gonna sell you out. Although it would make my sister and mother furious, which I'd love to see. But it would hurt Jungkook, and I wouldn't want that for anything in the world."

Taehyung relaxed a little, but still didn't dare look at the man. The stress of having been found out was still eating away at him.

"No, I just want to understand. What exactly is your relationship, and why are you doing this when you're a married man?"

Taehyung swallowed. He would have preferred to run away and avoid this conversation, but he knew that was impossible. It was better to answer now.

"Honestly, I don't know." Taehyung admitted. "It's all so confusing between the three of us. I married Soyoon to escape my loneliness, but with her I feel more alone than ever. But with Jungkook, everything is... simpler."

Jin stared at him for a moment, with those looks that probe your being. Those looks that you can't hide from. Then he finally turned away, refocusing his attention on his husband and nephew.

"The kind of relationship you have is your own business. I have no intention of interfering, especially as Jungkook is a big boy now. He has to make his own experiences, good or bad. He will experience his own joys and sorrows. All I can do is give him some advice and offer him a shoulder to cry on or rest on when things go wrong."

He paused for a moment, searching for words, then continued.

"What I'm about to tell you is neither an order nor a threat. It's a request, maybe even a plea. Please don't hurt him. He sometimes plays the proud man, he often wants to sort things out himself, but deep down he's brimming with naivety and innocence. Despite all the suffering this shitty family has put him through, he desperately hopes that one day someone will love him unconditionally. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, and he doesn't deserve to be hurt. He just wants to be loved."

Taehyung bit his cheek. He didn't know exactly what Jungkook had gone through, and he'd wait for the boy to tell him himself, of his own free will, but he'd sensed the suffering and kindness of heart that Jin had spoken of in the teenager. And that was what made him so charming.

"I can't promise that I won't hurt him," replied Taehyung, "but I can promise you that if I did one day, it would be against my will. Because I like Jungkook deeply. I'm not quite sure what that love is, but you can be sure that it exists. And that's why, for as long as I live, I'll do everything I can to make him happy."

Jin nodded, and let out a small sigh of relief. Silence fell between the two men, who couldn't take their eyes off the pool.

"Thank you..." Jin finally breathed, his lips pursed.

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