- Twenty-ninth -

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Taehyung immediately slammed the door behind him, leaving Soyoon standing in the middle of the room. He was furious, so much so that she was beginning to regret her action. But her husband's guilt quickly came back to haunt her, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

Taehyung leaned over his desk, clasping both hands together, and turned his dark gaze on the woman.

"May I ask why you did this? Did you think you were at the circus?" he spat at her.

He couldn't believe she'd dared to do such a thing. This was the headquarters of a company he had worked so hard to create, a place of respect and hard work. How far above people did she think she was to barge in and shout all over the building? She'd upset everyone, but she'd also ruined Mina and Taehyung's image. He wasn't going to let it go that easily. Especially as he had no idea that the woman didn't feel the slightest remorse. She simply walked over to him, a look of defiance on her face, and placed the photo she had obtained from the detective a few hours earlier on the desk.

"I'd rather you explain to me what this is?" she replied curtly.

Taehyung looked down at the photo and arched an eyebrow when he saw himself and his secretary leaving the hotel.

"Unless you really think I'm an idiot, I still know how to recognise a photo."

Soyoon gritted her teeth.

"You're the one who thinks I'm stupid. What are you doing with her in a hotel?! So that's why you were so against the idea of sleeping with me, eh? Because you already have a whore at your disposal?!"

Taehyung suddenly slammed his fist down hard, making the woman jump and swallow. You could almost see the smoke evaporating from his body, he was so angry.

"First of all, I forbid you to talk like that." he began. "I'm tired of you treating people like shit, Soyoon. Mrs Lee is a respectable woman, she doesn't deserve to be sullied like that."

"Ahah, a respectable woman banging her boss."

"Secondly," he ignored her, "this hotel belongs to me, you can check it out since you're so fond of sticking your nose into things that don't concern you. I had an appointment with the manager for a monthly check-up. Naturally, my secretary accompanied me."

In fact, he wasn't lying. After leaving the room, Taehyung had indeed had a meeting with the manager. He knew that taking Jungkook to the hotel was risky, Soyoon wasn't the first to have him followed, and he suspected it wouldn't be the last time. So at times like these, he always has a back-up excuse ready to use if anyone wants to expose him. Luckily for him, the detective had immediately concluded that his mistress was Mina, and so hadn't waited long enough to discover that it was in fact Jungkook.

When he looked back into his wife's eyes, Taehyung could see immediately that she was beginning to realise her mistake. She'd really screwed up. A pang of guilt washed over him, as he had in fact deceived her, but the scandal she had just created quickly came back to mind. He wasn't angry with her because she thought he had a mistress, because he did, but because she had to deal with this like a teenager rather than come and talk to him like a responsible adult.

"I..." she tried, unable to find the words.

"I haven't finished yet." he cut her off. "I can understand your insecurities. But what you've done today is another story. I'm fed up with you always looking down on everyone. You think you can do anything, and that's starting to piss me off. Unlike you, I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. This company is my whole life, and don't think that just because you're officially carrying my name you've got all the rights. You need to understand where you belong, Soyoon. You're not a princess, and this place certainly isn't your kingdom. There are rules and you have to follow them."

Soyoon's head was spinning. No one had ever spoken to her like that, not even her own parents. She had always done what she wanted, when she wanted, without the slightest restriction. She still wondered if this situation was real.

"You're joking, right?" she murmured, uncertain.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" he broke it off immediately.

She swallowed, feeling tears welling up in her eyes. And unfortunately for her, he hadn't finished yet.

"This is my workplace, not my home. You don't belong here. So unless I ask you to, I don't want you barging in here again, understand?"

Soyoon's eyes widened. Had he really just... forbidden her something? Her? She wanted to reply, but he didn't let her.

"I asked you a question, Soyoon. Have I made myself clear?"

She nodded feverishly, and Taehyung sighed as he sank back into his chair.

"Now go away. It's up to you whether you want to run away from your problems again by going back to your parents or whether you'd rather go home. Either way, get ready, because you're going to apologise to Mrs Lee, whether you like it or not."

"What? You're not serious, are you?!" she shouted.

Taehyung gave her another dark look and she gulped.

"I've never been more serious. Now go, I've got work to do."

The woman bit her lip and turned quickly on her heels, holding back her tears as best she could.

Taehyung returned as planned to his duties, his body still seething with anger. And he couldn't calm down, the rage coursing painfully through his veins. It was only when his mobile vibrated and he saw Jungkook's message, confirming that he was home and that he hoped he wouldn't be too late tonight, that he began to relax. It was amazing the calming effect the teenager had on him. All he had to do was imagine his little pouting face and a smile would make its way to his lips. He missed him already.

As he drifted off into his reverie, his phone rang again. This time it was a call, and not from his little kitten. He sighed and picked up.


"Hello Taehyung?"

"Can I help you, Mr Jeon?"


"Well, How can I put this... I've just talked to Soyoon..."

Taehyung rolled his eyes. He could already feel trouble coming.


"I wanted to apologise for her, Taehyung... You know, she's always been a bit bossy, even I find it hard sometimes, but I know that deep down she's a good person..."

Then it must be well buried. thought the CEO.

"I trust you for this point," he lied, "but I hope she understands her mistake."

"Yes, me too... But I don't want you to see Soyoon like the jealous person you saw today, I want you to meet my lovely daughter... So I was thinking, what about coming to our house in the south for a few days? I know Jungkook's on holiday soon, so it'd be a good way for us to get along as a family, and I'm sure it would bring us all closer together..."

Taehyung bit his cheek. Honestly, he didn't feel like it at all. Apart from Jungkook, the Jeons were beginning to suck the air out of him. But he knew he couldn't refuse. So he just replied as cheerfully as he could.

"That's a wonderful idea, I can't wait."

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