- Forty-first -

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Jungkook was no longer screaming, silently receiving the blows with muffled cries. He had rolled himself into a ball on the ground, protecting his head with his little arms, having completely abandoned the rest of his body. He wasn't even able to think any more, only the intolerable pain he was feeling had invaded his mind, and the hysterical laughter of the five teenagers who continued to hit him without respite. He didn't even try to struggle any more, he knew it would be pointless. He had to hold on. Even if the pain was unbearable, he had to bear it. It would stop eventually. But the seconds seemed endless.

Minhyu was constantly shouting insults, humiliating him more and more.

"S-Stop... Please..." Jungkook cried.

"Wow, look at him!" laughed Minhyu. He's whining like a girl! You're really disgusting, Jeon!"

Jungkook cowered even more because of the new insult, and the blows redoubled in intensity.

"Here, take this, you faggot!"

"Hey, what's going on here?!"

The five teenagers stopped immediately and moved away from Jungkook, turning towards the person who had just interrupted them. It was a teacher, who had immediately jumped in when he heard the amused cries of the attackers.

When he saw Jungkook pinned to the ground, curled up in a ball like a frightened animal, he rushed over to him, taking him in his arms to see the extent of the damage. And he froze in horror when he saw the boy's purplish face and partially torn clothes. His eyes were red from crying so much, and he was shaking so hard that the teacher knew he was close to a panic attack.

He automatically turned to the small group, who were watching them without really knowing what to say, even though that condescending little smile never left their lips.

"You're not going to get away with this!" he warned, his face red with anger. "We're all going to the headmaster's office!"

He quickly turned his attention back to Jungkook, who was losing consciousness.

"But before that, I'm going to drop you off at the infirmary, ok?"


When Jungkook regained consciousness, the pain had dissipated a little. He struggled to open his eyes again, his eyelids heavy. And the motivation to fight his urge to go back to sleep was close to zero. He was ready to give in when a soft, feminine voice broke the silence around him.

"Are you awake, Jungkook?"

The boy frowned, not recognising the voice, and forced himself to open his eyes. It took him a few seconds to get used to the light, and when he did, he sat up with difficulty. He saw that he was no longer in the corridors, but in a small office, lying on the sofa in the room. Facing him was a woman in her forties, her hair tied back and her gaze worried. It took him a while to remember who she was: the school nurse.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, gently taking his face in her hands.

The boy stared at her for a moment before answering. Or rather tried to, because at first the words stuck in his throat, and he had to repeat himself twice before he breathed out a small 'fine', which didn't seem to convince the woman all that much. But she knew she couldn't get anything out of him. He looked like a scared little puppy, and that broke her heart.

"I've had a quick look at you," she began to explain, seeing that he was now conscious and calm enough to listen to her, "and you don't have any serious injuries. I've called your legal representative."

He frowned again at this information. His legal representative? Jin was coming? No, Jungkook wasn't even sure he'd listed him as such when he signed up. So...

The office door slammed at the same moment, revealing a woman with long black hair and an angry expression. Jungkook swallowed when he saw her, and her anger grew as she caught sight of the boy.

"Mom?" he murmured, suddenly feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

Soyoon stepped forward and gritted her teeth.

"Are you happy with yourself?" she asked him sarcastically. "I had to cancel a meeting because of you, only to find out you got into a fight!"

The nurse's eyes widened at this, while Jungkook lowered his head in shame.

"Madam, that's not-"

"Oh I know exactly what happened, the five boys you bullied told me all about it! I don't even want to hear it! Get up, we're leaving!"

Jungkook nodded feverishly as the nurse looked on in shock. She was so shocked that she didn't realise straight away that the two of them had left. She had to tell the headmaster.


Just as Jungkook had sat down on one of the kitchen chairs, under his mother's inquisitive gaze, the front door slammed and a panicked Taehyung burst into the room. And he froze when he saw Jungkook's injured face. When Soyoon told him that Jungkook had been in a fight, he'd rushed in immediately. But he didn't expect to find the teenager in such a state.

"What happened?" he asked, his gaze never leaving the boy.

Soyoon's rage seemed to intensify when she heard the question.

"Yes, Jungkook, why don't you tell us what happened?" she questioned, visibly angry.

Jungkook slumped back in his chair, tears welling up in his eyes.

"You're not even going to be kind enough to answer, are you? No wonder, with what you've just done to us! You're already a disgrace as a son, but now you're sexually harassing your poor classmates, and you start hitting them when they push you away?!"

Jungkook immediately raised his head, shocked by her words.

"N-No, I-I never did that-"

"You don't have to lie!" Soyoon screamed. Those five poor boys confessed everything to me! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

Jungkook bit his lip, unable to defend himself against his mother's incessant screaming.

"You disgust me!" she shouted. "I've been too nice to you! I let you live under the same roof as us, and this is how you thank me! Up until now Taehyung has always defended you, but that stops now! Get out of here, I never want to see you again!"

Jungkook froze.


"You heard me perfectly well! I told you to piss off!"

Jungkook felt his world crumble. His own mother was throwing him out on the street, not even wanting to hear his side of the story.


Jungkook stood up, trembling, and ran out of the kitchen towards the front door. He was quickly caught by Taehyung, who grabbed him by the wrist.

"Jungkook, wait..."

"Let go of me!" exclaimed the teenager with tears in his eyes. "I beg you, let me go..."

Taehyung complied, seeing the teenager's miserable torments.


"It's my fault, I was too stupid." he cried. How could I ever have believed that I'd be accepted here? That someone would love me?"

He grabbed his coat and pulled it on, sobbing.

"You'll never see me again, I promise."

He opened the door and ran out, without giving Taehyung the slightest chance to stop him, who watched helplessly as he walked away.

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