- Twenty-third -

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"Ah! Daddy!"

Jungkook clung tightly to the edge of the sink as Taehyung pounded his bottom mercilessly. How had they ended up there? Simple: Soyoon hadn't returned yet, so they saw this as an opportunity and decided to spend the night together. They did nothing, just slept. But the next morning... Jungkook wanted to take a shower, and Taehyung immediately joined him... ending up fucking him against the sink.

Taehyung tightened his grip on the boy's hips, his gaze riveted on his back, still white from the slightest mark. He ran his fingertips over his skin, slowing the pace a little, wanting the boy to concentrate solely on his touch. Every time he touched his skin, Jungkook shuddered. As time went on, these shivers turned into jolts, and he had stopped pounding him altogether, resting his rock-hard member inside him. He continued his caresses, still marvelling at the softness of that satin skin. He understood why Jungkook attracted so many people, he was absolutely gorgeous. But Taehyung wouldn't let anyone touch him again. Jungkook was his and nobody else's. He was his kitten, his little baby.

He bent down and planted a trail of little kisses, starting at his pelvis and slowly working his way up to the back of his neck, which was drenched in sweat. His hair was damp too, wet from the effort. Taehyung was aware that keeping up with his stamina was a bit difficult, and he still had to hold back with Jungkook. If he had to make love to him at full power, to completely satisfy all his desires, the boy would pass out. It was better to be careful. They moved slowly, but Taehyung smiled at the thought of one day being able to go loose with Jungkook. His member swelled at the thought, causing the teenager to squeal in surprise.

"Is there a problem, kitten?" Taehyung teased gently.

"S-Stop mocking me, Daddy..." Jungkook shushed.

Taehyung agreed to contain his laughter, but certainly not the huge smile that refused to leave his lips. He sucked a few hickeys, the ones he'd made the day before still hadn't disappeared. It was only a few minutes later that Jungkook whimpered again.

"Daddy! I can't wait any longer, Daddy!" the boy moaned. "I want to cum..."

"Your wish is my command, baby."

Taehyung stepped back, pulling most of his member out of his hole, leaving only the tip.

"But I'm warning you, you'll be in pain."

Jungkook didn't have time to reply as Taehyung thrusted into him, slamming his pelvis violently against his buttocks. The teenager howled with pleasure and surprise, but he didn't have time to catch his breath: Taehyung began to fuck him at inhuman speed, the sound of their bodies colliding and their panting breaths the only audible sounds in the room. Jungkook's little moans echoed through the bathroom, turning into sweet music for Taehyung. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, revelling in the melody, relentlessly attacking the boy's hole.

"Oh baby, I feel so good..."

Jungkook bit his lip, desperately trying to hold back his voice, but Taehyung didn't like that and slapped him on the buttock.

"I want to hear you scream." he ordered.

Jungkook immediately opened his mouth again, releasing his obscene moans to the delight of his Daddy. Taehyung couldn't help but glance down at the poor boy being repeatedly assaulted, and he loved the sight: Jungkook was nothing but a mess under him. Taehyung gave him another little slap.

"That's good baby, you're doing so well for Daddy... I'm really, really proud of you. You deserve a reward, don't you?"

Jungkook nodded feverishly.

"I want you to answer me, kitten."

"Y-Yes, Daddy... I want a reward, I've been a good boy..."

Taehyung smiled, satisfied, and stopped his violent back and forth, much to Jungkook's dismay. If that was his surprise, he didn't like it very much.

"Daddy, why did you stop? Start again Daddy, quickly..." Panicked the teenager, far too excited for the man to stop now.

"Calm down baby boy, calm down. I'm coming..."

Taehyung moved a little, under Jungkook's watchful eye.

"You know, kitten, I'm getting to know you pretty well... I know all your weak points, and especially this one... here!"

Taehyung slammed him powerfully, right on the boy's prostate, causing him to scream with pleasure. He began to pound it without restraint, to Jungkook's pleading cries. He sodomised him for a long time, feeling his orgasm coming on. Soon Jungkook let go completely, his cum splashing all over the floor. But Taehyung wasn't finished yet, so he pounded him for a few more minutes, harder and harder, growling like a bear. He gave one last thrust, and emptied himself into the teenager's poor hole, which was not far from passing out.

"Y-You're always so intense, Daddy..." he managed to articulate between two breaths.

"Just for you, baby."


Sitting at the table in her parents' living room, Soyoon sipped a cup of tea, staring into space. It had been two days since she and Taehyung had argued, two days since she had left the house, and she still hadn't heard anything. What was he waiting for to contact her? She'd given him a little time, but now he had to apologise. He had hurt her, shouting at her as if she had done something wrong. He had to understand his mistake.

"It's probably his pride, that's why he hasn't called me. I'm sure he misses me, I'm sure he's regretting..."

She sank back into her thoughts, and the more time passed, the more she doubted her own certainties. She was suddenly roused from her torpor by the sound of footsteps bursting into the large living room. A woman sat down opposite her, literally the spitting image of her, twenty-five years older.

"Soyoon sweetie, you don't look well at all..." said the old lady.

"Mom, he still hasn't called me... What if... what if he really doesn't like me?"

"Come on, Soyoon, who can't love you?!"

Soyoon slammed her cup against the table.

"I know right?! So why is he acting like that? Mom, since we've been married, he's never touched me! The only time he's ever kissed me was during the ceremony!"

"He's just shy, he certainly doesn't dare ask you to sleep with him!"

"But I did! And he refused, preferring to go and look after that little shit Jungkook!"

Soyoon started biting her nails under her mother's worried gaze.

"What if... What if he's got a mistress? If he's cheating on me, he certainly doesn't need to sleep with me any more... And he always comes home so late... Yes! He's cheating on me, that's for sure! I have to confront him!"

"And with what proof?" cut her mother off. "He'll just call you crazy and divorce you. No, if you want to get your man back, you've got to have something solid."

"But how?"

The old woman smirked.

"By hiring a detective."

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