the best precinct
jake: inez keeps touching my ass
charles: you have a pretty good butt
jake: don't ever say that about my ass again
charles: but inez gets to say that and touch it????
jake: it's normal for her
inez: i touch it everyday
inez: it's not a good day until my finger lands on one of the cheeks
rosa: gina after reading this conversation
gina: i don't wanna hear about jacobs butt and inez obsession with it
3 hours later
amy: I just saw something i did not want to see
inez: and what would that be amy..
amy: Scully and Hitchcock..Eating..
jake: yeah that's gross
hitchcock: What?
hitchcock; Oh
inez: welp i'm gonna watch beauty and the beast at my desk and cry
inez: movie isn't even sad belle just fell in love with a beast when he was an actual beast
gina: no because that's so real
inez: does anyone have animal crackers
jake: ur really odd for that
rosa: i do fucking love animal crackers
inez: can i have some
rosa: hell yeah