Chapter 7

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Hi guys, hope you like the chapter.

There were no comments in the last chapter, is the story boring, i am trying to write as much frequently as possible, i hope you stay with me till the end.


"why is he here?", Pete said in a disgusted voice, as he took his iced americano and sipped it in annoyance.

"My boyfriend is here, so ofcourse I need to come here, i can't leave my baby alone with you, a.. you know what", Evan looked at him with a mocking expression and sat besides Lee.

"Shut up Evan, i don't want to hear anything about him from your mouth, and who the fuck is your boyfriend, get lost, are you even worthy of looking at me", Lee said in an unpleased manner.

"Humph! It's so funny, before lecturing me you should look at your relationship first,dumb loser", Pete sneered at Evan and looked away.

"Hmm, that's true, just because he slept with you once does not mean he loves you", Kim chipped in , taking Pete's side happily.

" Good luck fucker", pete and Kim said looking at Evan, and others burst out into laughter, looking like a group of teenage boys.

"You should seriously try talking to Vegas", Evan muttered in annoyance

Pete just looked at him for a moment and then showed him his 'daddy finger' before continuing to make fun of him.

Porsche tiptoed inside his cabin again, completely sure that he would scare Vegas this time around, but as soon as he took two steps, Vegas sighed.

"You are never going to scare me Porsche, what do you want", Vegas said as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"I have been thinking about it, since you told me you don't want to give red roses to Pete in the morning, so I have another idea", Porsche chipped as he ran towards Vegas excited.

"What", Vegas asked hopelessly.

"So my idea is, since we don't know much about pete, because he does not ever talk about himself and he does not like, eating out, clubbing, shopping, makeup, so to know his preferences and what he likes, why don't we invite his friends for dinner at home and ask them, like they have been with pete for a long time, they would know everything", Porsche suggested .

"This idea is good but have you ever met any of his friends, they were not even there on our wedding, i have never even talked to them on phone,so how are you going to invite them over dinner", Vegas asked with a sigh, giving a cute pout.

"Eww Vegas, you look disgusting", Porsche made a weird face, looking and Vegas and continued anyways," see, he has met all our friends, yours, mine and even Kinn's, remember we always do a friends meet and greet once in a while, and now it's Pete's turn this time, so why don't I force him into it", Porsche offered.

"Can you", Vegas asked desperately.

"Has he ever said no to me, sometimes I think if I had not met Kinn, I would probably date Pete and top that cutey", Porsche giggled, drooling.

"Fuck you, Porsche, stay away from my little sunflower" Vegas warned.

"Whatever ,i am going to call my sweetheart " Porsche said and sat in the chair and called Pete.

Porsche called Vegas a few times but he didn't answer his phone , not giving up , Porsche also moved his laptop and documents in Vegas's cabin and started working there while calling Pete every ten minutes and finally after 3 hours, Pete called him back.

"What's up, Porsche, why are you calling again and again, Pete said In a worried tone of voice, signing others to shut up with his hand.

"Pete, baby, why don't you answer my call, i was so worried are you okay, Porsche asked pouting sadly.

"I am fine, i just went out to meet my friends so I didn't know you called" pete answered truthfully.

"Okay, are your friends there too, great, please put the phone on speaker, I need to say something important", Porsche said giddily.

"What do you need to talk to my friends about", Pete asked warilly.

"Just put it on Pete, why, are you cheating on Vegas,are your with your boyfriend and lying to me", Porsche talked nonsense on purpose, because he knew to prove himself innocent Pete would turn on the speaker.

"What are you talking about, Porsche, i am not, here I am putting it on Speaker, happy", Pete said defending himself.

"Umm, gentlemen, can you all head me", Porsche called in softly.

"Yes", all of them answered in unison like students of elementary school, greeting their teacher in the morning.

"I am porsche, Porsche Theraphanyakul, i want to invite you all to dinner in the minor family tomorrow night,  Porsche invited all of them shamelessly to Pete's house, without asking him,but there was no voice on the other end,just little whispers.

"What do you mean Porsche, they are not coming to my home", Pete said in a stern voice.

"Why not, it's time for friends meet and greet, did you forget, i, kinn and Vegas already invited our friends and now it's your turn", Porsche replied in the same harsh tone.

" You don't know these people and you should not, anyways, they are not from the Buissnes world like your friends, you don't need to meet them, just a bunch of ugly guys", Pete defended  seriously, not wanting any of these people in his home.

" whatever, how can you say that", Evan growled annoyed.

"Shut up" Pete said in a high pitched voice and then turned to the phone again.

"Pete, don't you consider us your family, why don't you let us know anything about yourself", Porsche asked as he was on the brink of tears, pete always treated all of them with sincerity and love, but whenever they tried to know anything about him, he will shut them out once for and all, it's to the extent that, no one of the Theraphanyakuls know whether the boy was orphan from young age or had a family, they just know, his name is pete and he was a servant before.

" Porsche, i will do anything you say, but you can't meet them, theya re nothing, they are either, waiters or bathroom cleaners,  or something like that,. There is nothing to know about them", Pete said in a gentle voice.

"I don't know, i just want to meet them, even if they are beggars", Porsche said, he never cared about these things, a friend Is a friend, it does not matter, what their background is, as long as they are good people.

"Sorry,i can't let you meet them",  pete said in an irritated voice.

"But I want to go over and meet Khun Porsche", Evan chipped in, trying to make trouble for Pete.

"Shut up Evan, you are never getting close to him", Pete threatened.

"Okay, looks like you are really ashamed of your poor friends, you should not be like this, after marrying a rich man, you have become too indifferent, remember we used to clean bathrooms together", Evan said in a sad voice.

"Pete, invite them over or our friendship will be over", Porsche screamed.

"They are not coming, no need to prepare", Pete said for the last time and hung up.

" I am going to kill you Evan bitch", Pete roared and started chasing Evan out of the cafe, straight in the road, like two siblings, chasing after each other.

"I told you, he does not consider us his family, this is just a mere agreement to him", Vegas said shaking his head and went back to work.

"He does not love us, but why, are not we good enough", Porsche said trying to control his tears.

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