Chapter 18

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"Hello", Vegas said and then looked at kinn and Porsche, questioning with his eye what was wrong with this whole family and this Chen girl.

"Khun Vegas, i am very happy to meet you, i have heard a lot about you from Phi Aaron", Samantha said in a cheerful voice.

"Why would you talk about me, what's wrong with you", Vegas asked weirded out by the family of psychos.

"Why would not we, phi loves you so of course we will talk about you", Samantha answered.

"Vegas Is already married, what are you rambling on about little girl", Kinn said as he looked at Vegas who was about to burst out in anger.

*Looks like the whole world is after married men, what's with this weird trend*, Vegas thought disgusted, but no matter what he felt he could not say anything because Amarin's were not people to be messed with, they have psycho killers who rip people's heads apart like cutting watermelons.

"You have a husband, that's bad you should divorce him, otherwise Phi would go to kill him, he does not like sharing things he likes and you should also work on your attitude, my phi does not like people with this arrogant expression on their face", Samantha warned.

"Shut up, who are you to tell me what I should do, little girl go and eat some candies, before I break your legs", Vagas said, finally his anger bursting out.

"Madame, please leave, sir had asked me not to let anyone disturb master Vegas, you should return, Miss Araniya you too", Austin said as he showed the two the way away.

"Please consider what Samantha said, phi really does not like anyone taking his things, be careful", Araniya said the same things as Samantha and both left Vegas could say anything.

"This family is crazy, what's wrong with them, if I was just a Mafia like them, i will cut their tongues, fucking Psychopath family", Vegas cursed, trying to control himself.

"Master Vegas, do you need anything", Austin asked dumbly.

"Get the fuck out of my sight, i am no Master, i don't like anyone of your psycho masters, you fool", Vegas yelled.

"You can't say that, Master did you a favour years ago, you should be grateful, you can't insult master", Austin said with a hint of anger in his eyes. He could bear anything but he can't bear people talking trash about his master, he was the reason Austin was alive and well and this man had the audacity to talk like that, how ungrateful.

"Really, what kind of favour, can you tell me", Porsche asked angrily,  making the man look at him with a frown.

"You are not the person my master likes, why should I answer you", Austin answered, no matter who the person was, when his master was in question no one could hold a candle in front of him, let alone this measly guy.

"How dare you?", kinn yelled.

"What happened?", Evan came running as he saw Austin getting in the middle of the fight.

Your bodyguards are really mannerless, they are so rude", Vegas said pointing at Austin.

"What happened, where is phi, why are you alone", Evan asked as he looked at Austin worried.

"These guys insulted Master", Austin said looking at the three Theraphanyakuls.

"But you know who he is, you will get in trouble and stop calling him Master, he is not , you are our family", Evan said and held Austin's hand, which he jerked away immediately.

"I am on duty right now and even if we are family,  Master will always be my Mater", Austin answered.

"What happened, Brother in law, why are you getting worked up", Evan asked hopelessly as he looked at Vegas.

"He said your brother did me a favour, can I ask what favour he did yo me that I don't know and what your sister is going crazy about" Vegas asked unable to hold his anger in anymore.

"I apologise on my sister's behalf, she is still young and sometimes says things that she does not mean, I hope brother in-law can look over it", Evan said and bowed his head a little.

"And about my brother doing brother in-law a favour, do you really not know what phi Austin is taking about.

"Would I ask you, if I knew and by the way tell your perverted brother that I don't like him even if he has done some world changing favour for me", Vegas said in an anger laced voice.

"It does not matter if you like him or not what matters is that my brother likes you and he takes what he likes by hook or by crook", Evan replied calmly.

"What the fuck is wrong with your psychopath family, gosh I just want to get off and go home", Porsche said and added, " you are disgusting".

"I know, what else do you expect Khun Porsche, i am a Mafia man, I kill people, did you think I would be a saint", Evan asked and took a sip of his drink.

"Brother in law, you should drink some cold water, don't make yourself sick because of anger, you are more valuable to us then anyone else in Thailand,we can't afford something happening to you", Evan said and left, looking at Austin with a cute smile.

"Fucking stupid family, fuck your ancestors,i hate you all", Vegas said and turned to go to his room with Kinn and Porsche, with Austin following behind him.

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