Chapter 12

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Vegas and Pete had their breakfast after the long hug and through out it Vegas was just chattering about how happy he is, and Pete just nodded listening attentively to all his words and smiling with eyes full of love and care.

"Pete, i want to ask you something", Vegas said as he snuggled Pete into his chest on the small couch.

"Hmm, what is it?", Pete asked as he looked up at Vegas, both were still a little awkward but they just went with the flow.

"Where is the orphanage you grew up in, we can go and visit if you would like, someday and when did you come out of the there and what did you do,  and how did you end up working at Chen family's house help, i mean, you are a professor and you were such a smart student and everything, how did you manage all that", Vegas asked curiously.

Pete was stunned for a moment, what was Vegas talking about,when did he work for Chen's, and what smart student, he was so immersed in the moment he could not fathom what was going on.

"Who was the top student, i didn't even attend school", Pete asked dumbly.

"Pete, i know I am not as smart as you but don't tease me like that, i know you were a top student and you were directly asked to work as a proffesor because you were an amazing student , and teacher for your juniors", Vegas explained and Pete was silent for a moment *fuck, how can I forget about that*, pete thought and mentally slapped himself.

"Yes, i am , i was just checking if you know anything about me or not", Pete controlled the situation and tried to change the subject.

"You asked me one thing, now I will ask you one thing,okay" pete said as he sat up straight in front of Vegas.

"What is it?", Vegas asked facing him, while playing with Pete's hands.

"Where did you see me for the first time and did we talk to each other?", pete asked a little nervously.

*I hope I didn't do anything, stupid* he thought as he gulped in nervousness.

"Hmm, i met you six years ago, i think you were 20 then, because I was 23,at the Bangkok airport, don't you remember, seeing me?", Vegas asked.

"No", Pete shook his head in daze and looked at Vegas with eager eyes.

"Okay, okay, i will tell you, at that time, kinn and me had gone to pick up Porsche from the airport, and our fathers were also alive at that time, by the way, they were monsters so it's good that they were killed, whatever coming back to the story, we had gone to pick Porsche up from the airport, i had a cold and cough so I was wearing a mask, maybe that's why you don't remember me, we were waiting and then you came to drop off some girl with the young master of Chen family, Vegas said as he took a pause and looked at pete with envious eyes.

"That girl hugged you before leaving, by the way, why did she do that, did you have an affair with her, for how much time, did you sleep with her?", Vegas complained, huffing with anger.

"I don't even remember what you are talking about, I had many jobs at that time, I had no time for affairs", Pete explained again.

"It better be that way", Vegas said in an irritated tone.

"What happened after that, how did you see me?", pete asked.

"Yeah, so I was standing there, coughing, when a staff gave me a water bottle, i took it and was about to drink it but then a hand came and stopped me, i looked up from the bottle and saw a hand on mine and a pair of doe eyes staring at me  intensely and there you came, dressed in black, with high black boots , a dragon necklace around your neck and a cute little face that was so innocent, i was dazed for a moment and then you said,.

Mister, don't drink cold water, it will worsen your cough, take this, you said and gave me a bottle of warm water and some lozenge to releive my cough, i was so mesmerized by you I didn't even know what to do until you went out of the airport then I came back to my senses and ran after you but you were already sitting in a Mercedes Benz and drove away, and I fell in love,simple", Vegas explained and pouted.

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