Chapter 16

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Pete got out of the room and sat on the sofa destressdly ,*atleast this was not how I thought things would go, what the fuck is wrong with my luck* he thought as he rubbed his forehead and saw another call from Sun's personal number.

"I will kill her" Pete said to himself and answered the call.

"I am so sorry, she just, i was taking a shower in my room and she snuck in and stole my phone, i didn't know she would call you, please forgive her , i will talk to her myself",Sun explained and apologized a few times in this small sentence.

"Tell her to stay away from me and Vegas", Pete said and took a deep breath to calm the anger inside him.

"I will talk to her and my parents too, just forgive her this once", Sun apologized again.

"It's okay, by the way what do I do now, he told me to get out of the bedroom and ordered me to sleep on the sofa, i am in the living room now", Pete asked .

"Don't you have other bedrooms in the mansion, that place is big enough to have a few bedrooms", Sun asked.

"But he told me to sleep outside on th sofa", Pete explained.

"Then you have to make do with it tonight and just talk to him tomorrow morning", Sun said and hung up.

"Little bitch", Pete cursed and plopped down on the sofa and slept there quietly.


In the morning when Pete woke up he saw there was a blanket covering him and there was a pillow beneath his head.

"This man, he is so hard to please", Pete said and got up, he yawned and stretched his limbs before he went to the kitchen.

"Did Vegas have his breakfast yet", he asked scratching his head.

"Master already went to work two hours ago", The maid informed.

"Ahh yeah,okay please continue with your work", he said and took his phone from the table and applied for a leave from work before going upstairs to freshen up.

He came down after an half an hour or so and had his breakfast before calling his friends to ask for advice.

"So what happened last night" Evan asked happily.

"Why the fuck are you here, I don't want to talk to you, you ugly fucker" Pete finally cursed , his heart feeling a little better.

"What did I do?", Evan asked, acting dumb.

"Don't act, i know what you were trying to do, you know, i almost got a divorce from my fucking husband because you could not sit down your ass for a moment and called Chongyi", Pete screamed angrily, making Everyone shut up.

"I am sorry", Evan said as he felt a little terrified and held Lee's hand.

"I am going to cut you into pieces if I ever see you around Vegas, understand", Pete threatened, making Evan nod his head.

"Okay", he said, for the first time, there was no smugness in his voice and added.

"Aranya is back too, but I didn't say anything to her nor did I ask her to come back,i promise, i am not lying", Evan stated.

"Gosh, my life has become hell, i should not have invited you over, you unlucky bastard", Pete said and hung up.

Pete did all his work from home for the whole day to wait for Vegas and talk to him and he finally came back when it was 8 something in the night.

"Vegas, why are you so late, i was waiting for you the whole day", Pete asked and stood up from his seat to go to Vegas.

"I was in a meeting", Vegas answered but didn't hug Pete back, showing his anger .

"I can explain everything okay, Don't be mad at me okay", Pete pleaded.

"What do you want to say?" Vegas asked.

Let's sit first, Pete said and brought Vegas to the couch where he sat and Pete sat in front of him on his knees.

"You see my sweetheart, my baby, i didn't know it was that crazy woman who was calling me, she had stolen Sun's phone and called me, so I thought it was Sun calling, i don't need any children or anything,i don't like kids and I Love you, you are not a boy toy,you are the person I truly love, i have always loved you and you are my everything", Pete explained and kissed Vegas's hands.

"And", Vegas asked.

"And, and what", Pete asked confused.

"You don't want to say anything more to me"Vegas asked.

"What do I need to say, i said everything that was written on the script or is there anything more", Pete asked doubtfully as he took out his phone from his pocket and looked at the script and he really had said everything.

"There is one more line, I would do everything for you, i will die and kill for you, you are my everything, my baby", Vegas said and stood up 

"Those lines were cringe so I edited them out", Pete said, looking at his phone thoughtfully.

"Wait, how did you know those lines" Pete asked looking at Vegas horrified.

"You are the worst pete, atleast add some lines from your own brain instead of relying on Internet", Vegas said and stormed off to his room.

"Vegas, i am sorry, okay, i am sorry, i just don't know how to coax people so I used the internet but i meant every word of it, please forgive me", Pete ran after him and stopped him on the stairs.

"Would you forgive me if i did something like that?", Vegas asked.

"No", pete answered truthfully.

"But can you give me a chance I promise to never repeat my mistakes", Pete begged.

"If I ever see you with a woman again, i will kill you, okay", Vegas said and kissed Pete's lips softly.

"Hmm", Pete hummed in between the kiss, giving Vegas a chance to enter his mouth and kiss him deeply.

"Uhmm, Ve..."Pete tried to call but could not as he was now on the bed, with his mouth still covered by Vegas's while his hands were tracing Pete's body with his hands.

"No, you have to listen to me tonight okay", Vegas said and smiled wickedly.

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