Chapter 30

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My plans always seem to fail, nonetheless, i am really bored because everything got cancelled, so here is a chapter., This chapter might be dull and boring,but it's very important for what's coming next, so your call if you want to read it or not.😒


In the morning the two Theraphanyakul boys were completely ready to go out for the check up, Venice's mental health was not as bad as Pete had thought, thinking back to himself, he had thought that he would be at a point of complete mental breakdown but he was not, it could not be said he is completely healthy but he is relatively In a state where he could be recovered soon with mild therapy, but the boy needed a lot of nutrition to over come the malnutrition.

"Are you ready Pete, why are you still in your pyajamas", Vegas asked coming down from the stairs with Venice in his arms, they were in matching outfits.

*How the fuck did the two match clothes*, Pete thought as he looked at the perfect duo.

"I am staying home today so I am still wearing my comfy clothes" , Pete said and looked up cutely.

"You are not staying home, didn't I inform you of the check up last night", Vegas asked as he put Venice down and the two looked at each other in mutual understanding.

"I said I am not going, i am perfectly healthy", Pete said but before he could do anything ,Vegas lifted him up and Venice ran to the car and opened the back door, telling the driver to start the engine, Pete could not understand what was happening and at this time Vegas also ran to the car and threw him in the back seat and the car started moving.

"What the fu..Pete was about to curse but then looked at Venice's hearty smile and swallowed his breath.

"What are you doing?" Pete asked aggressively making Vegas look at him.

"Why are you so irritated,we are just going for a check up, or are you hiding something from me", Vegas asked back sternly.

"Who are you?", PETE asked as if he was in a daze, he looked around with hazy eyes.

""Baby, stop pretending,i am youe husband, and you are going for a ch check up", Vegas said and looked at Pete with unbelievable eyes, for a moment or two their was silence in the car, pete looked around and then his eyes landed on Vegas again and he curled up his lips a little 

"Uh, yeah, yeah, let's go for the check up", Pete said in a delightful mood.

"That's a good boy", Vegas said and the driver drove the car to the hospital, Vegas helped Venice down and then held Pete's hand to go inside again.

Pete looked at the familiar building and sighed.

*How did I get here*, He thought but before he could clearly make out what was happening, Vegas dragged him to the doctor, while Venice was taken for a introductory therapy session, today was not Very important so Vegas decided to accompany Pete instead and Venice happily agreed.

"Why are you here again", the doctor asked as soon as Pete  and Vegas went in.


"How could you not tell me something that important, you know I have been feeling guil.. feeling so bad because of this", Vegas took a pause and then changed his sentence.

" i just didn't want to burden you", pete said in a small nervous voice.

" How is it a burden pete, what's wrong with you, you are not like this, are not you very strong and brave?", Vegas asked in disbelief.

"I know, but I am also insecure sometimes, i have never been dependent on anyone in my life, i am afraid that you...", Pete paused, unable to continue.

"I, what?", Vegas asked.

"I am..i am afraid that you will leave me, if I am not strong and moreover..what if..if I die while in the surgery, i still want to live with you a few more years and now there is that little chihuahua too, i want to spend time with you", Pete said miserably, trying to control his shaking body.

"Do you not trust me , when I say I love you", Vegas asked with tears in his eyes.

"No, i don't mean that, but I have waited so many years for you, just to be with you", Pete explained hysterically as a long forgotten memory came back to him in an instant, like a flash.

*How could I forget it, years, this was the reason I cared for him in the first place,i have obbssesd with him for so many years, how could I forget, what has happened, oh god what have I done*, Pete thought as the memory filled in his brain and heart again slowly.

"Leave everything aside, why didn't you get treatment, when you could have, what was the reason, for Fuck's sake, you were only 17 then", Vegas asked frustrated as little Venice stood behind the door, praying for his Mama's health.

"I...i was looking for y.. someone, I needed to find someone so I let it be like that, i thought I would do it after I find that person, but I could not remember their face and it was very dangerous, i just could not doe like that" ,Pete explained, taking a deep breath as he remembered the little boy sitting on the pavement of the road, curled up in ragged clothes, like an abondoned dog, who was diseased.

"Pete, finding that person was more important then your life, what's wrong with you", Vegas asked.

"It is", Pete answered shortly.

"Are you really forgetting things these days", Vegas asked again desperately.

"Not so much and I can remember them within minutes, it's nothing major", pete explained but it sounded like he was begging.

"You have severe headaches, your nose bleeds, and you are forgetting things, you are having hallucinations, you are struggling both physically and mentally ,and you say you are fine, after all these lies, would not I be a fool to believe you", Vegas asked, but he was stressed.

"No, please don't say that, I love you and I just ..just ..i am sorry okay...i will do as you say, okay, okay, Don't leave me alone, look at me", Pete begged. 

"You will listen to me then right", Vegas asked desperately.

"Hmm, I would, I would do anything as long as you are here", pete said and hug to Vegas's arm desperately.

"Then, get a surgery, let's have the doctor remove the bullet from your skull, okay, then we will live together forever'happily", Vegas begged.

"But what if.."

"You would not, Venice and I are here, we will wait for you and then we will go on a family trip, we love you", Vegas answered and hugged Pete tightly.

"But",..pete tried to say something .

"No, buts mama, we love you", Venice said in a tear filled voice and came running to hug Pete's legs.

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