The First Test

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    There was a little girl held to the wall by her wrist. She had short grey hair, and maroon eyes. The walls were white, the building was old. The white plaster walls were peeling. There were stains on the walls, usually they were kept quite clean. The little girl shivered with fear as she stared at the rusty brown blotches. It stunk, a mixture between alcoholic medicine and blood. What she didn't know, is that almost a year later, a boy named Dylan would be chained to that exact same spot, as equally scared as she was.

    She didn't like this room, she didn't like this place at all. She would rather be with her friend Casey. She liked Casey, she had pretty red hair and cool eyes. Casey had promised her that they would all escape together and they would live with her brother, and that they would be happy. She liked the idea, especially when Casey had told her they would be escaping soon, now that the strange boy had come, the boy with the pretty wings.

    A patch of the wall slid to the side, a woman and a man walked in. The woman had dark skin and cold eyes, the man was tall, with slick black hair that had a grey streak running through it.

"So this is the one you decided to test the finished version of Dragonfire on." The man said, his voice thick with cynical disgust.

    The woman glared at him. "I don't need another repeat of when we tested the beta version on my son, this one is expendable."

    She pulled a syringe of golden liquid out of her lab coat pocket. The girl's eyes went wide with fear and she pressed against the wall, starting to cry. It was a small syringe, but the girl knew it would cause pain.

    "This will neutralize her powers, and make her sleepy." The woman explained, grabbing hold of the girl's wrist and poking it into her skin quickly.

    The girl cries out thrashing back in forth in the woman's steely grip. Then she went still, leaning against the wall, her eyes were dull. Objects in the room started to float into the air as if there was no gravity. The man observed this with growing annoyance.

    "She's going to make a mess."

    "She's going to make us rich Mr. Damien, I suggest you hold you tongue." The woman snapped.

    The man held his tongue. He knew he shouldn't get on the woman's nerves, she was insane. She wouldn't hesitate to get rid of him if he pushed it too far.

    After the girl's body had stilled and her breathing slowed, the woman brought out a syringe filled with a dull red liquid. The woman held it up to the light, flicking it slightly, before smiling with lust. Then she wiped the young girl's arm with alcohol, then plunging the second serum into her arm.

    The girl groaned in her sleep, thrashing, the noises escalated, until she was sobbing and fully awake, in terrible pain. Her sobs scraping against the walls as she pleaded for the pain to stop. The woman watched in ugly fascination, as a layer of grey fur started to cover her body. Her eyes turned yellow, and her iris expanded until you could no longer see the whites of her eyes. Two long streaks of red fur stretched from her eyes to her chin, as her body became more and more wolf-like.

    "It's working." The woman observed, a greedy glint in her eye.

        All of a sudden her body went still, and her cries quieted, until the girl hung limply against the wall, looking more wolf than human. The woman reached forward and released her from the wall. She collapsed to the floor, unmoving. The woman reached towards her wrist and felt for a pulse. Then she dropped the little girl's arm in disdain.

    "Dead. Terrific." She sighed, standing up and heading back towards the door.

    "It's not like you had high hopes for that one." The man replied, sounding amused.

    "Well the other subjects aren't pure blooded enough for the current of Dragonfire, you have any ideas?" She dropped the two empty syringes in a trash can and the man followed her out the door.

    Mr. Damien smiled. "I have a son. Sixteen, smart, he'd make a fine specimen."

    "Fine, bring him here. I'll run some tests on the serum, we'll figure out what we did wrong and test it on him." The woman answered, distracted. "I can't have another failure, you here me?"

    "Loud and clear."

    A redheaded girl called Casey had caught a glimpse into the room as the two adults walked out of it. She had seen the small, limp form lying helpless on the floor. She was being escorted back to the cells after another round of testing, when she say the dead body of the girl she cried out, fighting and screaming.

    "FRANKIE!" Casey screamed, fighting against a the two guards who were escorting her. "NO PLEASE!"

She was dragged down the halls as her fading screams turned into desperate sobs.

"Tell me she's alright! Please tell me my baby's okay!"

Cough cough surprise surprise

Whoops it appears I have published this 12 days EARLY
What an unfortunate fortunate turn of events

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