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    "Here's a question though, why is it always us two?" Dylan questioned, in the second day or our small road trip.

"Yeah." I agreed, from my spot in the backseat, seeing as Dylan had won our rock-paper-scissors tournament for shotgun. That boy had crazy hand skills.

"You guys seem like good friends." Mr. Wales shrugged. "Besides you agreed to come in the first place."

"True." Dylan agreed.

Turns out my name had been on the list, or at least, the name of the guy who had been taking care of me for the first few (about seven? I don't remember) years of my life. His name was Harold. I don't remember much of that period of my life except he owned a casino and would show me off a lot. I think some people would pay to come and see me because of my mutations and stuff. It seems really weird now but back then I was pretty naive. I can't say I was excited to see him again but it was what is was I guess. Anyway that explained why we were currently heading off to Arizona with Mr. Wales. Abby was still out with Will and Genny so that basically left Gifted in the hands of Mrs. Candleburg, which sent shivers down my spine.

    "Have you guys seen the crocodile kid again recently?" Mr. Wales asked.

    "I haven't seen him period." Dylan mused.

    "Nope, but I'm sure we will someday, if not soon." I added, feeling strangely forshadowy.

"Well, the sooner we get him on our side, the better." Mr. Wales continued. "In the meantime it looks like we've only got a few more minutes until we get there, at least according to this."

He tapped his phone gently. Speaking of phones, mine decided to buzz suddenly in my pocket. It was a text from Tui so I decided to pay attention.

 It was a text from Tui so I decided to pay attention

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Curious, and somewhat worried, I dialed her. She picked up pretty fast so it only fueled my distress.

"He, I got your text, what's up?" I asked.

"I um, I tried to call my family today." She started, my heart sunk as I heard how deep and cracking her voice was.

"You okay?"

I her the sound of her taking a deep breath. "Y-yeah. Alex, he didn't pick up. I mean I didn't really expect him to because," She stopped, and took another deep breath. "Neither did my mom, but uh my dad did."

"Did he say something upsetting?"

She paused for a long time. "He told me he knew what happened and he didn't want anything to do with me or th-the family anymore. It kinda sucked."

"That terrible, what an..a jerk." I retorted, realizing halfway through there were children and adults in this car with me.

The Scaly Boy (G #3)Where stories live. Discover now