Tyler the Keycard

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    The building in question was at the corner of a busy street. It was black, with gold trimmings around the sides and the name, Wellsfund Bank, was the same. It looked very neat, clean, and fancy. It looked like the kind of place I might get kicked out of.

    We were sitting in a coffe shop across the street, split up in pairs observing the building so we could come up with a rough plan. Everyone else was scattered around this crosswalk except for Theo who was sipping his coffee a few tables away from us.

    Tui glanced at me. "You, know, if we're going to sneak around this place, we're going to have to change our appearance."

    I looked down at my wrinkled red and white t-shirt and jeans. Then self consciously pulled my jacket over my shoulders. Tui on the other hand obviously dressed to kill, I mean that quite literally, Sabine always travels with some sort of weapon gift bag to hand out to people. That was part of the reason we needed our own plane.

    "Geeze Tyler, when's the last time you washed your hair?" She asked

    I felt offended. "Uh..."

    She tsked lightly. "No matter, I'll do my best."

    She shuffled around in her little purse thing that all girls seemed to have when she revealed a comb and a hair tie.

    "Oh no." I said fearfully, trying to escape.

    "Oh yes." She insisted. "I can pin you down, and I will."

    I sat there grumpily and she fought through. My unbrushed, manly, head of hair. Tui continued to tie it back it a similar but different way than Sabine had insisted I do earlier.

    "I hate this." I announced.

    She stood back and admired her handiwork. "I mean I would love to put some makeup on you, but I value my limbs. You look a little more expensive this way."

    "I hate looking expensive." I insisted.

    I would've asked her what she was going to do to her appearance to 'look more expensive' but honestly Tui didn't look that bad. Gratuity always kind of had this regal, queen-like air about her, she meant business. Her hair, a gentle frizz sparkled with little crystals, matched her outfit perfectly. She looked expensive.

    I felt a tug on my shirt and looked down, Chespin was staring up at me expectantly, holding out his palm. He was holding to small earpieces.

    "For you guys, we don't have that many, so don't break them. We've decided you to are going to go first and lead the charge."

    Tui ruffled Chespin's hair. "Thanks."

    I took mine and placed it delicately inside my ear only to discover Justin was screeching loudly into his mic. He was singing some sort of love song.

    "Please be quiet." I begged, not sure how this thing worked.

    He stopped, thank goodness. "Oh hey! Good to see these things work!"

    Sabine's crackled in. "Of course they do, I helped make them."

    "Certainly, I never doubted you for a second babe."

    "You guys!" I cut in, about to tear my hair out, "do we have a plan or not?'

    "Oh yes." Justin started. "We need to get you guy's up to the second floor, where the offices are. It shouldn't be that hard considering you have wings Tyler."

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