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This is two days late rip

I was angrily staring the sky through a thine sheen of red when I heard her voice again. It had been complete silence before and just me sitting there, when all of a sudden her big brown years were in front of me and everything snapped back into place.

"Tyler?" Anne Marie asked.

I blinked, letting go of her hands, which I had been hiding for...some reason. Everything was confusing and muddled and a small part of me just wanted to cry.

"Hey man. It's okay." She said again.

"What makes you say that? We just met. You don't know anything about what I've gone through." I spat, it sounded a little harsher than I intended.

She frowned. "That is true. I don't need exact details to know that this is a better place then whatever you've been through previously."

I couldn't think of anything to say to that so I just looked away. There was a pillar of cement that was holding part of the building up. There was cool breeze coming in from the sea, which was visible from the balcony.

"Can I trust you?"

I looked back at her. The sun hit the right side of her face. She was wearing a flower patterned jumper. Her eyes were brown.

"What does that mean?" I questioned back.

"I want to help you. I want to be your friend. I'm wondering if I can trust you if I start telling you about myself. To kick start our friendship." She shrugged.

"I guess so." I didn't know how to feel about this.

She sighed and leaned against the cement wall next to me. "First of all. I'm adopted. It's pretty obvious just looking at my family. My moms are angels, they've taken in a lot of kids who are unwanted, since most couples who come to the adoption agency are looking for babies. Like pet stores with puppies I guess. I don't know my biological parents."

    I nodded, this was distracting, this was good. "Oh."

    "I mean I've never met them, I was told they moved to America from Japan when my bio mom was pregnant. Only something went wrong when I was born and decided to give me up because they were kinda poor and knew someone else could give me the medical support that I needed." She continued. "This is when it gets deep okay?"


    "I don't usually tell anyone this because ninety percent of the time they overreact and only make things harder for me, but I'm trusting you not to do that...okay?" Anne Marie raised an eyebrow at me.

    I frowned in confusion. "...Okay."

    "I'm deaf." She announced.

    My eyes widened. "Wh-"

    "Okay before ask anything, yes I can talk pretty well because I went to lots of speech therapy. Yes, I can not hear anything I'm saying. Yes, I can read lips. Not every deaf person can read lips so don't assume. Yes I know ASL. No, overly pronouncing your words does not make it easier to read you lips. Just talk normally like you've literally been doing since we met." She rushed out.

The Scaly Boy (G #3)Where stories live. Discover now