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It was just Genny, Will, and Abby going to find Genny's parents. They had gotten home before Mr. Wales had, but they had received a text that things went well with them too.

Genny stared out the window as they drove and drove. It had been quite a few hours now, in was late in the night. Will was conked out against the opposite window, probably drooling. His wings taking up a lot more space nowadays. Abby, with coffee in hand, continued to smolder faintly on the road.

"Is that...snow?" Genny asked, staring out the window as the flecks whizzing by.

"I think so. we're pretty high up in the mountains now, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a little." Abby replied.

Genny reached over and shook Will awake so he could see. He jerked up, looking around blearily.

"Did I fall asleep? Is that snow?" He asked, eyes widening.

"Yeah, we're really high up or something." Genny smiled slightly.

Will blinked. "That makes the occasion all the more special then."

"We're almost there too." Abby announced. "Only a few more miles."

A few minutes later Abby pulled in a small road off the main one where Genny vaguely recognized a neighborhood looking thins of sort. The houses were big and hanging hazardly off of steep hills with pine trees growing all around them. It was dark though and still snowing lightly so it was hard to see all that much.

Genny wasn't sure what to feel. She wasn't sure what too feel about anything. This whole situation made her feel kinda scared and confused. At least Will was here, he was probably one of her closest friends and she trusted him a lot, probably more than friends do. He was just so nice and caring, and well...cute. He was downright adorable without even trying sometimes. He made this better.

"Here we are." Abby said, slowing down to a stop in front of what looked like a pale blue house.

Pale blue was calm so at least that was working out for her. They got out of the car and Abby walked right and started looking for a front door.

"You doing okay?" Will asked. "Do you needs a...what did Justin call them? Encouragement hug?"

Genny blushed softly. "Nah, I think I'm good. I just, I never met my parents. I don't remember them at all. I don't know what they're like or if they even like me. I just help but-"

She stopped suddenly, biting her tongue.

"Never mind it's stupid."

Will gave her a sincere look. "Hey, nothing about is stupid okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

Genny blushed. Gosh, this is what she meant when she said he was too nice, it was almost unbearable, how he knew exactly what to say. "I was just thinking, what if they gave me up? What they didn't want me?"

"Genny, ah man this is gonna sound cheesy. You amazing, and even if they did give you up it's their loss, and who cares what they think." Will replied firmly.

He put his fists up in mock battle stance, like he might fight whoever got in there way. Genny found the gesture amusing, it was so orange/yellow of him. It made her feel sunset pink.

The Scaly Boy (G #3)Where stories live. Discover now