A Father's Lament

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    Dylan didn't know if Tyler actually had a plan, or if he was just being downright reckless as usual. As soon as he held up the sign for D, he hoped it was the latter.

    "What's that? What's he doing?" Will stressed.

    He had been upset ever since Tyler ran off, he felt like it was his fault. Dylan couldn't blame him. They had all been partially relived and partially worried when they saw the news on the tv and saw well...Tyler. In a demonstration, for the Lab.

    "It's sign language, the letter D. I think he wants me to come over there." Dylan suggested.

    "Are you sure?" Icie poked her head over their shoulders.

    They all turned towards her.

    "Icie you're supposed to be at home, how did you get here?" Sabine asked.

"Yeah." Dylan frowned.

    Icie scoffed. "I'll be fine. I'm watching myself okay? I feel fine right now. Besides, you guys used you special serum or whatever on me, that stuff works wonders."

    Dylan bit his lip. "Okay fine."

    "There's guards." Theo pointed out, pointing to the security officers positioned around the edges of the stage.

    "We can handle them, right?" Justin pointed out hopefully.

    "Oh." Sabine realized. "Tyler's gonna go after the adults, he wants Dylan up there to make sure Alex doesn't attack him form behind, right?"

    Dylan blinked. "We donn't even know if that thing Lucy told us was correct."

    "I don't think we have another choice." Sabine met Dylan's gaze. "The rest of us need to focus on the guards, the civilians will run once trouble starts."

    "I'll be with you." Icie comforted. "I bet together we can handle him."

    "Icie, last time-" Dylan started.

    Icie leaned down and kissed his cheek. "I know. He got me once but he won't get me a second time."

    Justin ooed quietly before Sabine elbowed him.

    "So what are we waiting for exactly? I mean he'a just standing-" Will started, before Tyler suddenly flexed and threw a punch that hit Mr. Damien square in the back.

    Dylan suppressed a smirk. The adults on stage cried out, so did the crowd, who started to back away. This was they're chance. Dylan made his way forward. As people pushed past him, it wasn't that hard with Icie plunging ahead and splitting the Red Sea of human beings running towards the exits, just as Sabine had predicted.

    Dylan couldn't actually see much of the stage until the two of them found a ramp up. The first he noticed was Will's parents slipping away. The Hispanic woman slipped behind the pedestal and his own Dad desperately trying to find and escape away from Tyler who was very obviously ready to fight.

    He saw Alex, suddenly twitch his head and turn towards Tyler's turned back.

    "Hey!" Icie slipped off her flip flop and threw it at Alex, it bounced off the back of his head and he whipped around to face them.

    "Aha." Icie laughed nervously. "Didn't think that through."

    "No kidding." Dylan snorted.

    Alex started to lope towards them on all fours, which was terrifying. Dylan couldn't think of anything else to to do then quickly roll out of the way. Surprisingly, it worked, Alex nearly slid off the stage, looking like on of the dogs on hardwood floors as he clawed to stop himself from going over the edge. He straightened up again, but didn't turn towards them. His heads kept turning from side to side.

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