The Secret Life of the Immortal

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    With Wi and Ryan baking...cookies? In the background, Justin pulled up a chair, resting his knees on the edge of the table as he flipped through it.

    "I haven't had that much time to flip through it, but the first few pages date back about ten years ago, and the last few pages are blank." He explained. "And on the inside cover there's a number ten."

    "Well there's no way that's his tenth dairy is it?" Dylan asked. "I mean the guy looks twenty."

    "He's immortal." Will explained. "Or at least has been alive for a very long time."

    I did the math, it was the one thing I was good at. "If one diary lasts about ten years he's one, really bad at writing dairies, and two, really stinkin old."

    "Tyler has a point." Icie rolled her eyes.

    "Does it say anything useful?" Sabine asked, peering over his shoulder.

    I waited for him to make some clever icky romantic comment but Justin had stopped talking for a moment. His eyes were scanning the pages as he flipped through Worthington's diary. I didn't really want to read it because I hated Worthington's guts, and uh, I'm not the best reader. It's what happened if you were taken into the Lab early, of grew up in a no-name circus like me, you don't get the best education. Puzzles, like card games or strategic (money-winning) games though came easy to me and I definitely didn't starve if you know what I mean.

    "Oh," Justin said finally, he frowned. "Listen to this. Today Lucy asked me out on a date and I had a nice dinner with her. She's really sweet, but I don't want to get attached because I'll just outlive her like all the rest of them. I hate working for the L.A.B. I wish I had died when I was supposed to, instead of being stuck working for the evil witch."

    "Who's the evil witch?' Sabine asked.

    "He and Lucy are going out?" Genny asked, raising her eyebrows.

    "Didn't we run into them on a date?" Will inquired. "At the candy shop?"

    "That was a date?" I stressed the last word, I was pretty sure Worthington was incapable of feeling emotion whether or not it was with the double-crossing red head.

    "You guys went to a candy shop?" Genny asked, pouting slightly, her short blonder hair falling in her face.

    Will brushed it away. "Well I would have taken you but that was back when we were still looking for you guys. I was showing them around downtown L.A. And Tyler happened to mention-"

    "I think we're getting off topic." Mr. Wales said from the back, still trying really hard to let us do our own thing, even though he had an amused look on is face.

    "Is anyone else feel like they stopped contributing to this conversation a long time ago?" Dylan asked, his voice was quiet, to those of us who were still paying attention. He looked slightly frustrated now that received a closer look. Icie patted him on the head, and his frown twitched a bit.

    I raised my hand. "I don't care about Worthington's love life, can we please continue on with is there anything useful in that book or is it trash?"

    "He repeats this hatred for some women." Sabine shrugged. "Her name is never mentioned."

    "Wait!" Justin slammed his hand down on the table, making everyone with sensative hearing have a mini-heart attack. "I've found something, from just a few months ago."

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