We Try Out Protesting

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There was a momentous celebration of sandwiches after Tui an I rejoined the crew. I would like to say we were carried to our victory meal over the shoulders of our comrades, but as a large crowd of weird looking teens we decided against the mode  of transportation. Of course I was pushed aside slightly as I munch on my BLT, due to the fact I couldn't really help the smarter kids figure out whatever information we had just stolen.

"Shouldn't you be helping them?" I asked Chespin, who was sitting with me at the loser's table at the sand which shop we were currently seated at.

He shrugged. "I wanna play Minecraft right now, you guys are boring."

I was amused. Despite being a genius Chespin didn't really act mature beyond wearing expensive clothing and liking it.

At least I could enjoy his presence. Justin, Will, Sabine, and Theo along with Mr. Wales were gathered around a computer chatting quietly over the pictures we had taken. Tui and Genny were gossiping loudly over their food, acting like normal teenagers. I had Chespin with me so I didn't look completely alone.

    I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Azmus looking on me expectantly. "Hey."

    "Hey man." I replied, growing even more thankful as he sat down beside me.

    I was confused because it was only him, and this morning he had left to hang out with Dylan and Icie. Only I didn't see Dylan and Icie.

    "Are you going to eat the other half of that?" He asked. "I'm starving."

    I pushed it over towards him, the mission had made me loose my appetite. It was a pretty good sandwich though.

    "Where are the other two?" I asked, still looking around.

    Azmus grinned. "Don't tell Mr. Wales, but they're on a date."

    My eyes widened. "Wait..."

    Azmus nodded smugly. "They don't think it's a date, but it totally is. I mean look at this picture Icie just sent me."

    He opened up his phone and showed me a picture of Icie grinning widely as she leaned over the edge of a very high building, Dylan's face was in the corner, he looked concerned but was obviously having fun. Azmus right, if that isn't a date then I'm a big juicy BLT sandwich.

    "They're almost a naive as Will and Genny." Azmus clucking, putting his phone away and digging into the rest my lunch.

    Again I had to agree. This was a interesting subject though, it was making me feel all weird, so I didn't continue it. Azmus started happily multitasking between eating and scrolling. I was about to go back to my own thoughts when he frowned and mumbled something through my sandwhich.

    "Huh?" I asked, wanting to know what was up.

    Azmus swallowed and showed me an Instagram video. "Aren't those Will's parents?"

    I stared at the screen. They were standing in front of a building. There was a small crowd, it looks like there was a protest going on. There were camera's and new reporters. The two adults were talking, I couldn't catch much of what they were saying, but I spot Worthington in the back, I frowned in disappointment. Just when my day was going so well that man had to ruin it with his face.

"Wait..." I realized, as I took in the details of the background, "we were just over there."

Azmus' eyes widened and he peered closer at his phone. "You're right, that's the bank you were at, hey Will!"

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