I Hate Feeling Sorry for People I Don't Like

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    I was still less than thrilled to find Worthington still waiting for me when the three of us got back.

    "How's Icie?" Sabine asked as soon as Dylan rolled in.

    He smiled cheekily. "Oh she's doing great."

    Worthington looked up, his pose was awkward and you could tell he obviously felt uncomfortable sitting in a room with a bunch of misfit teenagers who he had tried to maim at one point. Good, let him suffer. Every nervous sweat drop that poured down his forehead was a sweat drop of victory.

"I have some, um, explaining to do." He started, hesitantly. "I'm sorry, again. I know it's not enough. You don't have to be nice to me just...hear me out. Please."

Mr. Wales looked like he wanted a cup of tea to sip cynically on. "I think we can consider this a temporary truce James."

Worthington swallowed and nodded. Justin who had been coolly observing from the wall, nudged my shoulder gently.

"What're you thinking?"

I blinked up at him. "Huh?"

"About Worthington, you look like you have some strong opinions." Justin raised an eyebrow at me.

I squinted in dismay. "Oh I don't like this situation at all. I will gladly punch him as soon as he turns out to be a traitor."

Justin laughed, I frowned because that wasn't a joke. Whatever. I guess it was funny. Everyone had started to chat quietly amount themselves while we waited for Lucy to get back. Dylan was doing great now, he was probably the most upbeat I had ever seen him. Sabine was talking with him because she was still concerned about Icie, and she was a huge mom. Hayami and Tui glared at James together. Genny and Will were huddled in a corner, very close. In fact, like, dating close.

"Are they...together?"

"Genny and Will?" Justin followed my gesture. "Oh yeah, finally am I right?"

This was alarming. Sabine and Justin were together, now Genny and Will, wait a second.

I shot Dylan a suspicious glance.

You know at this rate, I might actually the last single man left. This was not good. There was no way I was gonna let every other friend I had third wheel me.

"Huh." Was all I think to say.

"Same." He finger gunned at me.

"Shut up, you have a girlfriend."

Justin's face broke out in a wide grin. "Oh yeah."

I shook my head at him, then glanced back at Will and Genny. How hard was it to get a girlfriend? It seemed easy in theory but the thought of actually trying it made my stomach twist uncomfortably.

"What do you think she sees in him?" I asked, somewhat rhetorically.

Justin scoffed. "Will? He's the hottest guy here, no contest. Blonde, tan, athletic. Plus wings, what's not to like? Only he has no idea, he has zero clue how lovable he is. Honestly I'm surprised it took this long."

Wait. "What?"

Justin rolled his eyes. "I had a crush on him for a solid month I think. Not that he's anything to compare to Sabine of course, but still."

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