I Ruin Everything

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    "What kind of high tech medicinal company still keeps records on paper in this day and age." Sabine practically exploded. "This will take forever."

    "What kind of secret agency hires kids to go on secret missions?" Anne Marie demanded, she has continued to talk even after I growled at her, sadly.

    "Well we're not your normal run of the mill teenagers honey." Sabine shot back, taking out a small flashlight device and latching it onto the first cabinet lock, it clicked open.

    Justin suddenly melted into visibility next to Anne Marie, she looked over and nearly jumped out of her skin.

    "Who are you?"

    Justin shared a quick glance between me and Sabine. "You can call me the Roman Whale."

    Sabine rolled her eyes. "Oh no we're not going with those nicknames-"

    But Justin was on a roll. "These here are my partners in crime, Angry Lizard and Cat Eye."

    I ignored them and ran my hands along the letter until I got to D. Do, Dr, Dra. I figured I had better start somewhere so I looked over at Anne Marie to see if she was watching, then I closed my eyes and breathed out a few times. Then I thought about how frustrating these last few months had been, and James Worthington's face popped into my head.

    My claws slid out instantly and I ripped open the file cabinet. I took a deep breath, counted to ten, and I was back to normal. I looked back and Anne Marie was staring at me, I silently prayed she hadn't seen much.

    Inside was numerous paper folders, one of them was particularly thick so I pulled it out.

    Project Dragonfire.

    "Sabine, I found something that looks important." I breathed.

    All three of my companions looked up, Sabine pulled out her phone and ran over, grabbing the file from me and started taking pictures of every page.

    "What is it?" Anne Marie asked, leaning forward to stare at the unintelligible diagrams of chemicals and atom structures.

    "Don't know yet. Hopefully it's helpful." Justin replied to her with a thumbs up.

    Sabine turned to the last page and there was a detailed sketch of an alligator or something, right next to it was a sick and twisted drawing of a half-human, half-monster creature that made my stomach turn slightly.

    "What?" Anne Marie gasped staring up at all of us in horror. "This is a recipe for a serum that would turn humans into...that, what is it doing here?"

    None of us answered her, mainly because most of us were already, that. Also because we couldn't tell her anything.

    "You understand this gibberish?" Sabine inquired.

    "It's an entire collection about biokenisis, the ability to control the genetic structure of a human being through hormones, that's so wrong. Who are you people?"

    "We're not telling you anything." I pointed a finger at her. "An you're not going to say anything, because if you do, we will find you."

    "Hey guys." Justin said, and he pulled out his arm from behind the filing cabinet. "Look at what I found."

    It was an old leather bound book, severely worn at the edges and wrapped with another string of leather, there were also a few yellowed letters on the cover. Justin untied the string and opened up the book, flipping through the pages.

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