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Mr. Damien was not actually at work that day, he was at another place. It was a secret room to be more precise, one that was not so easily discovered. It was so that he could be left alone and I disturbed while he talked to his co-worker, who was glaring at him through his computer screen.

"I need more money." She sighed, obviously frustrated. "The medical expenses of keeping Dragonfire alive are far more than I expected."

Mr. Damien ran a hand through his hair and struggled to make eye contact with her. "I'm sorry, I've already bled our sources dry, I can't have them complaining or we're done for. How long until we start making our own money?"

Her gaze darkened. "It could be years, I need to monitor Dragonfire, we don't know the long term affects of the serum, I need it alive."

Mr. Damien's shoulders shook, he was scared. She was a scary woman who could do scary things. She was going to rule the world someday and bring on the dawn of a new era, and he would be right beside her.

"I fully trust in your medical abilities." He mumbled quietly.

She slammed her fist on her table, Mr. Damien was surprised his screen didn't crack, and he straightened in surprise.

"If it dies than we are done and I will have you disposed of." She growled.

All of a sudden she paused, watching Mr. Damien cower in his chair. Her gaze was focused on something off camera. She frowned.

"They're trying to turn the media against us." She realized, leaning backwards to think.

"What?" Mr. Damien asked, confused.

"I'm watching the news, our escapees are roiting on the streets of New York, they're trying to turn the media against us." She repeated.

The two sat in silence for a bit while Mr. Damien brought up one of the popular news channels on his phone. He observed it grimly, his eyes darting around at the cluster of naive teens until he spotted the blonde wisp of-

"Should I send Worthington to disrupt the effort?" Mr. Damien inquired, attempting to remain calm.

She folded her hands and waited a few seconds before answering. "Give Worthington the Index and send him in with Dragonfire, I want to see how it lasts in the field."

"You just said you wanted to keep him alive." Mr. Damien retorted somewhat annoyed.

She looked like she wanted to kill him, she probably did. "If it cannot prove to be stronger than the rest of our failures than there's no use in keeping it alive."

Mr. Damien wanted to complain more but he could already see she was past her sane point. She was probably running on coffee and lack of sleep, not to mention she was a complete psychopath. If she kept saying contradicting things he would just have to sort it out himself and hope he did everything right.

They ended their video call and Mr. Damien pondered a moment before reaching into a drawer and pulling out what looked like a set of car keys. Only stainless steel and under a swinging glass guard over the buttons.

"Worthington?" He called.

The young man was waiting right outside the door. He walked in, muscles tense. Mr. Damien didn't know James had heard every word.

"Yes sir?" He questioned, looking at the ground as he had been told.

Mr. Damien held of the keypad, his eyes warning James not to break it.

"Take the crocodile for a walk."

The Scaly Boy (G #3)Where stories live. Discover now