I Hate Running into Old Friends

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The rest of the group we split up with earlier was there first. It had been about an hour now and it was refreshing not be left alone with little miss cherry haired, stab-you-in-the-back-for-my-boyfriend Lucy Green.

    On a range of zero to Dylan, the Sabine and Tui were the most concerned about Icie upon waking in. Will and Justin of course were worried too, but they had nothing on the other two.

    "Where is she? I'll maim whoever touched her." Sabine demanded, when she threw open the door.

    Hayami stood up. "Oh thank God you guys are here."

    They hugged. Tui immediately screeched upon seeing the bandages around Hayami's shoulder.

    "You guys!" She stressed. "What happened?"

    "We cornered Dragonfire and knocked him out, he woke up without us knowing and surprised us." Genny filled it. "Icie's in urgent care."

    "This is a normal hospital though?" Justin asked. "How did you guys-?"

    Will interrupted him upon seeing Lucy's nervous face. "Oh heck no."

    "Hear me out." Lucy started.

    "I remember you!" Justin screeched. "You kidnapped my sister."

    "Are these your friends?" Anne Marie asked me.

    I nodded. Her eyes widened.

    "She's on our side aparently." I explained to them, pulling up another chair.

    "I promise." She insisted. "I'm trying to help you."

    Tui's hands curled into fists and she started towards Lucy. "Where's my brother you-"

    "Tui." I grabbed onto her shoulder. "Calm down."

    She was still seething.

    "I don't know where you brother is." Lucy blinked, alarmed. "I'm afraid I don't know who your brother is."

    "Alex Santos, we were held by the police near your headquarters and were told that you were holding his hostage!" Tui hissed. "And now you've gone and hurt Icie, we have no reason to trust you."

    Lucy blinked. "I'm afraid I have no idea, maybe James-"

    "Don't you dare talk to us about that piece of scum." Will added. "Are you guys alright?"

    I mean it was obviously directed towards Genny, but I'm glad he cared about us third-wheelers.

    "I'm fine, and you all need to shut up and put side your differences so we can focus on the current problem, Icie." Genny preferred everyone.

    "She's okay right?" Sabine asked, still looking ready to punch something.

    Lucy nodded. "Presumedly."

    Dylan, who had been basically just been staring blankly at a wall for the past hour suddenly jerked to attention. "What do you mean presumedly?"

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