A Little Family Reunion

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It was dark and cold when I woke up. I sucked in a dizzy breath and pushed myself up on my elbow. My neck felt stiff and my fingers were kinda numb.

Okay yeah, that was a stupid decision. That was really stupid of me. I really messed up this time.

I glanced around, trying to figure out where I was. I was hoping they maybe jumped dumped me in an alleyway and it night. Unfortunately, it didn't appear so. It was some sort of rickety cage thing. It looked like the top could open up, which meant it was weaker than the other sides. If I was gonna break something, that's where I would start.

I heard a choking sob noise, and turned around warily to see where it came from. In the semi-darkness, there was another small form with me in here. I squinted, then felt my blood run cold.

"Alex?" I asked, running toward him and squatting down next to him.

He was bundled up in a corner. He flinched away when I touched his shoulder and I withdrew it for a bit.

"Alex? It's me."

He looked up at me slowly. "Tyler?"

His face. God, his face. It was covered in small cuts and scars, his eyes were closed. They looked a little swollen. I swallowed dryly and Alex just started crying. His arms were wrapped around himself protectively.

"Hey." I spoke softly, but internally wanting to murder whoever did this to him. "Hey now, it's gonna be alright here. I'm gonna protect you."

I wrapped and arm around him, he still jumped when I touched him. Someone messed him up bad. Once I started the hug he let out a small gasp and leaned into me, still choking on tears.

"It hurts." He managed out.

"What does?" I asked softly, awkwardly putting my hand on his back.

"Everything. God, everything hurts." His breaths came out shaky and quick.

"It's gonna be okay. I'm gonna get you out of here." I promised.

"Tyler." He breathed. "I can't...I can't see."

    His hands were shaking.

    "What?" I asked, not believing what he said for a moment.

    "I c-can't see anything."

    He brushed his long bangs out of his face and leaned back, blinking open his eyes and grimacing. They were a pale grey color. His pupils where white, crocodile slits, they were terrifying. I waved my hand in front of his face and he didn't blink. I felt tears threaten to spill from my own.

    "Who did this to you?" My jaw was shaking I was so angry, I had never felt this enraged without loosing it before.

    Alex face twisted up and he pressed his hands to the side of his head. "No, no. I don't want to say her name. I don't want to talk about her."

    "Okay okay." I soothed, trying to calm myself down from ripping this place apart. "You don't have to. I...I just..."

    He couldn't see. He was blind. I didn't know if this was an accident or not but whoever did was going to suffer. I would make sure they felt ten times the pain Alex did.

    "You're gonna be okay, I'll protect you, cause you're my-"

    I cut myself off. Did he know?

    "My brother?" He finished. "How did you find out?"



    We sat there in silence for a bit, with him leaning against me, staring off into nothing.

    "What am I gonna do?" His bottom lip quivered.

    "We gonna get you out of here that's what-"

    "No I mean after this. I'm..." he grimaced. "I can't see, Tyler."

    "There are lots of people who can't see, Alex. You're gonna be fine." I patted his back gently.

    He wiped his face, wincing as he rubbed his eyes. "Okay. I trust you."

That made me feel good. It made me feel like I was being a good brother. I was gonna be here for him.

All of a sudden the platform we were on creaked. Alex tensed up. The flaps on the curling opened up and I could hear the busy noise of streets and a crowd.  There a shriek of a microphone.

"Ladies and gentleman, finally what you're waiting for!" A woman's voice came through over the speaker, the same one who knocked me out earlier.

Alex started wheezing, and gasping for breath at the sound of her voice, slipping into a full blown panic attack. "Tyler! You can't let her get control of me again. She'll use me against you and it's hurts so bad. P-please, you have to do something. You c-can't let her have me."

He clung onto my t-shirt for dear life it seemed as the platform we were on started to rise up toward the sky.

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