The Infiltration

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"Are you ready?" A voice says in my ear, as I button up the fancy smancy lab coat the Will snuck for us.

"As ready as you are Sabine." I whispered back, turning a corner in the hallway to see her standing there, dirty blonde hair brushed out for once, and matching the similar lab coat she wore.

"You guys." Justin hissed into my ear, completely invisible, I bet most of you forgot he could do that, huh. "Focus."

There was a group of public school kids that had decided to mesh with another school to take the those who wanted to go on a tour to the prestigious Gilligan Industries. We were using this to our advantage of course, and it didn't take that much to slip in the the other large group of kids in similar lab coats.

    "This thing is itchy." I hissed at him, the air where Justin was standing wavered slightly.

    "Well you just gotta deal, remember what we looking for." He replied. "Sabine, what're you thinking?"

    She tapped her chin. "File room, it will be locked, but with me a lizard boy here that shouldn't be to much of a problem."

    "How exactly did you open that door in the Lab again?" Justin asked.

    "I told you, I just touched it." I scanned the crowd of faces, bored looking students, equally excited and stressed teachers.

    Walking towards us was a man that I knew very well from my time spent in the Lab. Buzz cut blonde hair, pale grey eyes, perfectly tanned complexion, shining teeth that practically hurt my eyes to look at, Worthington. I tapped Sabine's shoulder and gestured discretely toward him. Her jaw clenched, and she started digging around in one of her pockets.

    "I've seen him before, mostly likely you to, here tie your hair up. It's a trashy disguise but it's all I've got." She handed me a hair tie.

    "I am not wearing a ponytail, my hair isn't long enough." I puffed, refusing her offer.

    "Tyler Whateveryourlastnameis, you'll do as I say or we'll be caught." She hissed in my ear as the students chatter between themselves suddenly died down.

    I shot her a toothy snarl as I begrudgingly made a small change to my current hairstyle, which was actually long enough to be tied back. I felt Justin whack me on the back of my head after I glared at Sabine.

    "Alright kids, you mess around, and you'll be sent home, all the money your parents spent for you to get here today will be wasted. Here me?" Worthington announced. "There will be no pictures, no phones, no texting, no social media, nothing. I'm in charge of you that means you will follow my rules..."

    It was almost like a bomb was slowly counting down as this sniveling puppet kept talking and talking. I really hated the guy. James Worthington was nothing more than the administer of nightmares back in the old day. The one who woke you up in the middle of the night only to discover he was taking you to shock therapy for acting out the other day.

I kept my head down as he continued going over the rules, trying to block out his voice and not completely lose it, for the sake of the mission. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. I ran the numbers through my head again, numbers and puzzles calmed me down. I reached under my lab coat and wondered if I could pull out my rubix cube without anyone noticing. If was one thing for Sabine to force me to wear my hair like a girl, it was another for everyone to realize I was a huge nerd when it came to mind puzzles. I had began practicing this when I was about ten, after I realized my anger issues were starting to hurt people, it really helped.

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