She Puts a Whole New Spin on Evil Scientist

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    I'm not sure how much time passed since I really let myself go, but all of a sudden I was just...aware again. Aware that I had controlled that. I'm not sure what that meant but it was a new feeling. Almost a new ability.

    There was fighting going on around me, the crowd hat left, there were a few dumb reporters who might get hurt but it looked like my friends were handling it.

    "Tyler!" I heard my name and turned around to see Dylan had his hand on Alex's shoulder. "I got your signal."

    Icie was taking care of some scratches Alex had. I appreciated the gesture while also feeling like my brotherly position was being attacked.

    "Thank goodness." I said. "Where are the adults?"

    Dylan winced. "Uh, my dad kinda split a while back. Long story. I don't know where the Gilligan's went but that lady's over there behind the podium."

    I looked into Alex's eyes to see how he was doing. He still looked mostly crocodile so that means that woman was still manipulating him.

    "What happened to his eyes?" She asked.

    I bit my lip. "I don't know. The boss lady has him under some sort of control-"

    "Her wristband, yeah. I kinda just...talked him out of attacking anyone but he's still...not all here." Dylan explained. "Lucy was right."

    I cracked my neck and walked towards the podium, I picked it up and smashed it into the ground. The woman was crouched there, looking scared and helpless.

    "We can do this the easy way, and no one gets hurt." I demanded. "Or we can do this the hard way, and I make sure you suffer ten times for every finger you laid on my brother's body."

    Her eyes met mine, they were a deep amber color, somewhat familiar. Like I had seen them before in a dream.

    "And your sister too, right? There are three of you." She almost muttered, eyes fixed on me.

    "How do you know that?" I asked, suddenly realizing how disassociated she seemed.

    She was staring at me like she was floating, far above her body. She seemed confused as to how I got up as high as she was.

    "You mean you don't know?" She blinked all of a sudden she was back.

    She laughed, but it was weird because her whole boast seemed to shake violently. "You really don't know?"

    "Just give me the wrist band, okay?" I interrupted, she was creeping me out.

    "The three of you were supposed to be special. It's easier on younger bodies. And my family line, there was already history of genetic manipulation, you three would be the perfect canvas, the perfect combination of everything my family has worked for. The serum was finally going to work on you." She was shaking again, she stood to her feet.

    "Do you know my name, Tyler Santos?"

    I didn't answer her. I wanted to jus grab the bracelet, but something about her twitching frame and weak voice made me listen.

    "Queenie called me Faith. It's been almost five years and I still...I still can't get over her." She brought her hands up to her face. "I'm your mother, Tyler."

    I think I gasped but I didn't really notice anything beyond the outside world blurring away. Just now, in this moment, it was only us.

    "What?" My fingers kinda felt numb.

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