The Operation

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    Mr. Damien looked over at his boss' hands as she watched Dragonfire through a one-way mirror. The experiment itself was nestled in a corner, shivering violently. She was also shaking, but it a different way, in rage. Quiet, powerful fury. He could see it in the slight quiver of her fingertips.

    "Is the serum not strong enough?" She demanded.

    "I assure you there is no concoction more potent." Mrs. Gilligan assured, though she too sounded nervous.

    "Then why is he hesitant around the others?" She shot back. "Why?"

    There were times when she asked questions like these that were purely rhetorical, lest you want to loose your job. Mrs. Gilligan remained silent. Mr. Damien could feel the sweat start to pour down his brow.

    "If you idiots aren't going to do anything about this, I will." She barked in annoyance. "Worthington?"

    The skinner nervous stick of a human scuttled forward. "Yes ma'am?"

    "Put him on anesthesia, corticosteroids, ask Green for some analgesic. Put him in and operating room." She ordered, opening a drawer and tugging on some disposable gloves.

    She pulled out a scalpel as Worthington rushed off. Mr. Damien watched as Dragonfire went limp inside the containment unit.

    "With all due respect ma'am, what are you planning?" Mrs. Gilligan asked hesitantly.

    She probably wasn't ready to see all her hard work wasted in one of the boss' tantrums. Heavens knows everyone could tell she was angry.

    "Optical recognition is our main enemy here Mrs. Gilligan. I'll peel up the retina first. Then poke around with the optic nerves."

    Mr. Damien had never heard someone use the phrase 'poke around' in such a threatening way.

    "But ma'am." She laughed nervously, obviously scared out of her wits. "What if he developed neuralgia, or a cataract-"

    She laughed and cut Mrs. Gilligan off. "Discipline. He'll live. This is a surefire way to prevent betrayal."

    Her fist clenched around the scalpel. "And I won't have anymore traitors in my court."

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