Frustratingly Infuriating

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"Where's my money, Damien?"

    The tall, lanky, blonde-haired man looked increasingly uncomfortable from the other side of the video chat. He opened his mouth and stuttered a few moments.

    "Spit it out!' She demanded again.

    "I can't, I can't give you anymore." He chocked out, he was shaking from the other side of the call. "Not without loosing everything."

    She let out a guttural growl. "What about our reserves?"

    "They've all started to pull out of their deals suddenly, I'm not sure-"

    "It's those kids again. How did they find out about that?"

    "I don't know."

    "Damien, I swear, I don't know why I keep you around. You're worthless."

    She ended the call before he could even respond. A clip of video played through her mind. An old cartoon clip of all the villains from Scooby Doo saying, "If it weren't for you meddling kids!" It wouldn't stop, she wanted it to stop.

    She would have to to eliminate those kids. They would be better off dead. They were worthless compared to her precious Dragonfire. She opened up her phone again and ignored the dozens of texts from her husband, he wanted a divorce, but she couldn't deal with that right now. She called Damien again, he picked up immediately.

    "If you value your life, I want you to find out where the previous experiments are and I want you to make sure Dragonfire ends them all, overdose it if you have to."

    "Yes ma'am."

    He hung up.

Asdfghjk evil lady's pov chapters are short forgive me

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