Sabine and Hayami

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We were splitting up to cover more families, so far we had two addresses, Mr. Wales was working on the rest. Ryan's family, since he remembered where they lived, and a foster home Sabine and Hayami had shared. Justin and I were going with the girls, because I guess Justin had convinced his uncle to let him go with his girlfriend, and I guess I was a suitable chaperone. I knew Wi was going with Ryan, not sure who else.

    "I haven't seen my parents in years." Ryan commented, as were were all waiting outside for our drivers, Mr. Wales and Abbby, to get ready. "Not since they threw me out."

    "Because or your powers?" Genny asked mildly concerned, I assumed she was chaperoning the boys, "you're like thirteen."

    "I'm fifteen, and no they actually encouraged me using and my powers and stuff. They kicked me out cause I'm gay." He explained grinning happily.

    "Same." Wi added earnestly, wrapping a definitely-not-platonic arm around Ryan's shoulder. "Except my mom's chill, she lives nearby actually."

    "Dude." Justin bro hooted at them, exchanging fist bumps.

"Alright!" Mr. Wales appeared, rubbing his hands. "Ryan with me, girls with Abby. Remember how important this is guys."

    We climbed into our separate cars and soon were off. Abby humming a merry tune under her breath as we drove down a street dotted with palm trees.

    "This might be a bit of a drive." Abby observed, driving with her knees as she entered the destination into her phone. "Do you guys remember anything about this place?"

    "Nah." Sabine said. "This was like the fifth one I been in that year, they blur by after a while."

    "It was always really dirty and Jessica always drank a lot." Hayami supplied, her hair floating lazily around her shoulders. "The week Sabine spent there was one of the best weeks of my life was because of all the trouble you stirred up."

    Sabine smirked. "I still don't remember it but it sounds fun."

    I think I spent a few years in a foster home, it was a really long time ago, when I was like seven or something, I didn't really remember that either. Memories weren't terribly important to me so I wasn't huge on that stuff. If I wanted to forget something it was't that hard, my teachers seemed to frown on this ability however. You know one thing you can't seem to forget? Anne-

    Shut up.

    About an hour and a half later we were in some city with apartments, cruising around and looking for the right one. Abby was still staying positive, probably because she knew this ordeal might be traumatizing. Sabine was doing great, she probably didn't care, besides even if she was feeling down she had Justin. The two were cheesier than Dylan's macaroni. Hayami on the other hand was still just as chill and cool as she always was...just quiet. I wondered if she was okay.

    "Okay..." Abby said hesitantly as she peered up at a small partner building. "Looks like we're here."

    Those of us with wings threw on baggy sweatshirts and Hayami braided her hair quickly with what appeared to be weighted hair bands so it didn't float around so much. Sabine simply made sure all of her various weapons were well hidden.

    "You guys ready?" Abby asked, patting their shoulders.

    "Oh yeah." Sabine pounded her fists together.

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