Old Frienemies

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     The next few minutes were a blur. Anne Marie was right, there was a hospital surprisingly close to where we were. She checked us into the Emergency Room, there was another problem when the doctors showed up to take Icie.

Lucy Green showed up.

"No." Genny was the first one to try and slam the breaks. "Not her!"

"What's going on?" Anne Marie demanded, turning to face us.

"You kids?" Lucy gasped. "What are you-?"

"Is this really the time?" I argued.

"Shut up! Everyone shut up!" Dylan practically yelled, he was definitely near tears. "Do you promise not to her hurt?"

Lucy stared at him in shock for a moment. "I promise."

Dylan let Lucy take her onto a stretcher. Then both of them disappeared.

"What's going on?" Anne Marie demanded, pointedly looking at me.

I glanced around, looking at the other people in the emergency room, they weren't paying attention to us.

"Um, it's a long story." I started.

She grabbed onto my arm. "Hey, look at at me when you talk."

I thought that was a bit strange, but sure. "We got into a fight, and our friend got hurt. Two actually, Hayami-?"

"I'm doing fine." She sighed.

Anne Marie glanced over at her. "Oh! I didn't even notice, that doesn't look good at all."

Lucy Green suddenly burst through the door. She gestured at our group. "You kids, come with me."

"Where's Icie?" Dylan glared.

"She's with the best doctors I know, she's gonna be okay." Lucy assured. "It's a good thing you got her here in time."

Dylan still looked suspicious. "Okay. Where are you taking us?"

"My office, I figured you might want to get out of the way of prying eyes." She explained, glancing over at the other people who were now starting to notice me.

We shared a look and nodded. None of us liked the idea but it was better than staying here. Lucy led us down the halls until she got to a small room. Hayami immediately collapsed into one of the chairs. She didn't look okay.

"I'm gonna call Will, and Mr. Wales." Genny announced, refusing to go inside.

Lucy grabbed a first aid kit and started to look at Hayami's shoulder. Hayami stepped away from her, glaring suspiciously at her.

"You're gonna pass out if I don't clean that up." Lucy sighed. "Please, you guys. I'm not out to get you."

Anne Marie was observing the scene with growing fascination. Hayami muttered under breath but sat done on the corner of Lucy's desk so the redhead could tend to her shoulder.

"What...who are you guys?" Anne Marie asked, she stared at me in a weird mix of horror and fascination.

I hated it. It reminded me of the time I had spent with Harold. I bit my lip and refused to meet her gaze.

    "Tyler?" She continued. "What's going on?"

    "It's not really-"

    "You're gonna need to look at me, sorry." Anne Marie sighed.

    I forced myself to look up at her. "You know the mutants from the news?"

    "It's you guys, isn't it?" She finished.

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