The Strangest of Attacks

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"There's a lot of kids here." Tui observed, the day after I had gotten back, we had already visited her old house in Nevada to find it was empty, we had given up on hunting down her dad, but she did get to bring back some of her memorabilia.        

We were at a small cafe area getting frozen yogurt with the kids who went on parent/guardian trips. Personally, I thought choosing between froyo flavors was a meaningless decision. I simply got a bowl and got a little bit of every flavor they had available. I was obviously the superior froyo chooser, and by that logic, the superior male.

    "Yeah." I agreed, as I watched everyone walk around and promptly chat.

Will had leaned over to kiss Genny before she could take another bite of her yogurt before stealing her yogurt filled spoon and cackling as he watched her gasp. I did a double take, but like in my head. I had to keep the cool impression going.

"Wait are they dating now?" I asked, as Tui had picked up the scene as well.

She glanced at me, confused. "Were they not before? The way Genny always talked about him I just assumed they were together."

I frowned, squinting. "I don't think so."

"Are they dating yet?" Tui asked, point to Dylan and Icie sitting a table with Josie and chatting merrily.

"Them? Don't think so." I shrugged.

"People in relationships are weird, Tyler, promise me you'll never get a girlfriend."


Theo had joined us for today. He usually didn't, he liked watching over the rest of the kids, kinda like he had done back at camp. He was cool, instead of getting all the froyo flavors, he had gotten just one. He does anyone do that. One day, I hope to be that cool.

As far as coolness ranking according to froyo flavor picking goes, nobody else seemed to care. Except Justin, who insist he get three specific colors, despite their flavors. He when with hot pink, to purple, to deep blue. He said the colors represented him or something. He was in an entirely different part of the froyo cool chart that I didn't have a section for.

Then again, I might just be overanalyzing this.

"I forgot to ask, but how did you trip go?" Tui asked me, breaking my train of thought.

"It went." I admitted. "Mr. Wales ended up having to talk to him, I don't know what he said but apparently the man is convincing. Dylan was cool to hang out with though."

"You ever wanna go back there?"

"Oh absolutely not." 

There was a sudden scream from across the courtyard and immediately the twelve of us that were currently seated turned heads and got ready to run.

It was easy to see where the trouble was coming from, because immediately all the regular humans started running away from him. When I say him, I mean I would recognize that scaly face anywhere. It was Dragonfire, he was back he was obviously ready to throw down. Only so was I.

"It that him?" Dylan asked, as he started running towards up on all fours.

"Yeah." Sabine "Get Josie home, we can deal with this guy by ourselves."

    "Got it." Justin and Theo said at the same time.

    "We need you here babe." Sabine informed.

    "I've got Josie." Theo informed, picking her up and nodding at Justin.

    Justin pursed his lips but let it go.

    "Dylan?" Icie asked.

    "I'm staying." He insisted.

    "What's he doing?" Will asked, the only one of us who was paying attention.

    "It looks like he's circling." Sabine explained. "He's closing in on us in a circle. We have the building as a wall though, so we have an advantage."

     He was indeed circling. He was watching me particularity. Or maybe I was just imagining it. I decided I could take it any longer.

    "I'm going after him." I informed.

    There was a chorus of "Tyler NO!" From behind me but I ignored it and dropped my jacket as I flew through the air at him and landed a foot away before I jumped at him and tackled him to the ground.

The first person who came it help me was Hayami, who held down his legs while a struggled with his top half. We almost had him, until he shuddered suddenly, and kicked the two of us away like rag dolls. I caught the wind and stumbled back onto my feet, Hayami had rolled away and was hopping back up to her feet. When the croc kid picked me up, I struggling, until he grabbed onto my wings and started squeezing the thing and not to mention brittle bones there. I gasped out, kicking him in the face, and someone else got clawed while punching his gut. He dropped me, and I rolled away, my vision blurring in and out. I groaned and pushed myself back up onto my elbows, a wheel came into my vision and Dylan was towering over me, offering his hand. I took it gladly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I rolled my shoulders, trying to see through the ache. "Oh yeah, doing great."

"No you're not you idiot." He told me. "There's plenty of us here, just sit down for a moment."

Then Hayami screamed.

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