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When I came to, Sabine slaped me.

"Stupid, idiot!" She screamed, after I help my arms up in defense, this was definitely not how I was used to waking up in the morning.

My face was burning where she hit me and my heart hurt like the dickens. I was in a backstreet alleyway, filth and trashcans littered the walls. It looked like the kinda place I used to sleep when I was ten and virtually homeless, long story.

Sabine had gone off to punch a wall, Justin was talking to her softly trying to calm her down. I couldn't help but noticed how pale he looked. I stood up, shaking out my aching limbs.

Two ambulances and a fire truck drove past.

I don't remember much of what happened, only Worthington's face, and bright flashing lights for some reason? It was then I happened to notice my stellar lab coat was ripped up, and my wings were out.

Oh dear.

"What happened?" I asked, licking my lips to get rid of the metallic taste.

Justin turned towards me before Sabine could explode again.

"We might be in huge trouble now." He sighed and ran his finger though his hair.

"You." Sabine shoved a finger at my chest, her dirty blonde and dyed hair in a mess. "You lost control of your powers and held us up, not only did you destroy nearly a quarter of the building, but you did it all on live television."

My heart dropped into my stomach. Oh dear.

"Television?" I replied numbly. "Like..."

I extended my wings slightly and held up my fingers in mock attack.

Sabine out her hands on her hips and gave me a smile that said oh yes you did and I'm going to punish you for it.

"Oh dear." I said, folding my wings back up into the slits on the jacket.

"Okay, we just need to take a deep breath, and calm down before our getaway vehicle arrives." Justin ordered.

"I'm trying I'm trying." Sabine promised.

"Do you need a free hug?" Justin asked, sincere as a lost puppy.

She stared at him, it was then I noticed just how worn out and beat up she looked. "Yeah, yeah okay."

He waddled over and wrapped his arms around patting her back and cooing softly. She sighed into his shoulder, probably both physically and emotionally drained. I made a face at them and Justin gave me a look that let me know I was being real mature. I shrugged off the torn lab coat, and threw it in a nearby dumpster, I was left with my rumpled grey hoodie. Then I walked out to the corner of the ally to get away from all the mushy mushy displays of affection.

I wondered how long we would have to stand here in this filthy backstreet until our getaway vehicle showed up. I scanned the horizons from my view point and could tell we weren't that far away from Gilligan industries, in fact I could see the smoke in the distance. This wasn't the best part of town either I must say, and if I remember correctly Icie was picking us up. She had also recently turned sixteen and we had all gone out and Mr. Wales had taught us the basics of driving, I mean it's not like any of us had parents that would stick around to do so. I didn't mind Mr. Wales though, he was really nice and acted like an overprotective father anyway. He and Abrianna, the physical therapist who had signed up to chill with us mutants recently, were kind of like the parents of the whole school. Besides it was painfully obvious Mr. Wales had a thing for her to everyone except Abby herself. At this rate I was going to be the only single guy left.

The Scaly Boy (G #3)Where stories live. Discover now