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"Is this the apartment building you used to live in?" Azmus asked, as the three of them waited from across the street for the hand to turn into a walk signal, in New York, you never had to wait long for that to happen.

It was a big building, and a fancy on at that. The establisment itself was a rich apartment building down TriBeCa, Manhattan. Personally Dylan hated it, he had liked their apartment in Queens better, then they had moved for his dad's work.

"Yeah." Dylan replied, staring up at the looming monster. Maybe it was for the better, because this apartment was bigger, he didn't think he would have been able to get his chair up into his old apartment.

    "Oh can I press the buttons?" Icie asked, one they were inside, seeing how this was one of the first few times she had traveled on an elevator, the airport had been a rather amusing time for the three of them.

    "You can press them to your heart's content." Azmus promised her.

    Dylan watched as she pressed the button, and lit up, and she gasped (just like all the other times) and smiled a bit. Most people probably would have found it annoying but Dylan just thought it was adorable. It was also slightly comforting because he didn't really want to go back to his old home, or at least he didn't want to face the memories that had been made there. Gifted was heaven compared to living alone with his dad.

    The elevator door opened, and Dylan pushed himself inside. It went up and he started to feel less sure about this decision.

    "You okay?" Icie asked, turning away from amazement over elevator buttons to check on him.

    Dylan shrugged. "Yeah I'm fine."

    She gave him a look. She knew every time he said that he was lying, but he just kept saying it anyway.

    "Do you have the key?" Azmus, asked again.

    "Yeah, I put on a lanyard thingy." He replied, reaching back to the small fanny-pack-resembling bag that hung of the back of his chair, it was already hanging out so he wouldn't have to work for it.

    "See? I actually managed to hang on to it despite despite going through Lab." He joked wryly, swinging it around nearly whacking himself in the face.

    The door unlocked as smoothly as it had always had and Azmus pushed it open as Dylan rolled through.

    It was just as he had remember it. The living room, kitchen and dining room were all one large space with two door. One was his dad's room and the other was his. There were no pictures of his mom in the entire apartment. There weren't many pictures at all really. Maybe some of the awards his dad had received or one or two school pictures of Dylan, just enough to seem normal. The color pallet of the main room was black, white, and red. Dylan's room was blue, he remembered that. It felt like years ago, even though it had only been a few months since he had last been here. He had walked though the door the last time he was he too.

    "You guy's can explore if you want. My dad works all day so he won't catch us, especially not on weekdays. If you accidently break something don't worry about it, I think the decor's ugly anyway and I'm never coming back so have at it." He added the last bit with some spite, then pointed over at the door on the left. "I'll just be getting some stuff in my room."

    "Holler if you need any help." Icie made eye contact saying this, she knew he was stubborn.

    "Yeah." He promised, turning around and maneuvering around various furniture.

The Scaly Boy (G #3)Where stories live. Discover now