An Ending

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    If anyone had turned on the news that morning they would have seen three more villainous human beings being discovered and arrested. Along with Faith Santos who had already been jailed and Legal Assault Biologies was being investigated to determine her sentence, though it was pretty obvious she was going to be in there for a long time.

    Long enough so that wouldn't bother me or my family ever again.

    "Heard it was someone's birthday." Anne Marie said when she opened the door, holding a small paper bag.

    I blushed. I mean yeah, that was technically correct. I had just never celebrated my birthday before, I hadn't know it until know.

    "Thanks." I laughed, as she walked inside.

    Before I could breathe she grabbed the neck of my shirt and kissed my cheek. My jaw dropped and I turned red as a mutant tomato.

    "Um." Was all I could think to say.

    "Yeah happy birthday." She repeated, grinning. "Where are your siblings? I've got presents for them too."

    "Uh, they're uh, they...uh." I pointed towards the kitchen.

    Anne Marie laughed and followed my gesture. I stood there looking stupid and holding my face for a few minutes before joining the rest of the group.

    Inside the kitchen everyone was smiling happily and enjoying soda pop as much as our deprived selves could. Alex had somehow managed to convinced Dylan to let him push him around in his chair. What a duo. They sure did get along well though, Alex had moved into Dylan's dorm and were becoming the most domestic pranksters ever. Justin was trying to convince Tui that purple frosting was the best color while Icie painted her nails, Genny looked like was about to get up and argue but was currently waving her rainbow nails in the air to get them to dry. Ryan was holding a bowl of cake batter and snorting from laughter when all of a sudden Wi leaned in an kissed him, Ryan nearly dropped the bowl. Azmus held up a bag full of yellow frosting and Justin screeched. Hayami was putting up streamers with Sabine's help. Everyone was here, everyone was happy. Well, almost everyone.

    "Hey Tyler." Theo tapped my shoulder.

    I stood up from leaning against the doorframe and smiling at all my friends to give him my attention. He and Gecko-I mean Nick, were looking patiently at me. I noticed two things, both of them had full backpacks and Nick held a pair of car keys in one grip, Theo's hand in the other.

    "What's up?" I asked.

    "We're leaving." Theo informed.

    I frowned. "Where? And like, for how long?"

    Theo pursed his lips. "I'm going back to Camp. I didn't want to tell to many people but I trust you. Nick and I are gonna start our own group out there again. Like here, but...less funded you know, Mr. Wales knows, he says he's gonna help out a bit so there's that."

    My eyebrows dropped closer together. "Sabine's okay with this?"

    Theo looked down, and Nick noticed this.

    "She doesn't know." He filled in for Theo.

    "I've never belonged here. Never will. This is her home now." Theo added after a moment. "Look after her, will you?"


    "You gotta promise." He smiled painfully.

    I looked him dead in the eye. "I promise."

    Theo nodded, sucking in a shaky breath. "Thanks, we're gonna...we're gonna go now."

    "We'll probably back for holidays, knowing this sop." Nick threw over his shoulder as they headed for the door.

    "Shut up." Theo threw back at him, but it was playful.

    I watched them go for a bit, the door closed behind them. They would be fine, I knew that. The I turned back to my own birthday party.

"I hate to fight Justin on this but I like the color red best."

Justin gasped, leaning back a foot. "Doesn't anyone know color theory?"

"I agree with Tyler." Tui laughed, picking up another frosting bag, before I could stop her, I had a red frosting mustache.

It made me laugh. It was kinda surreal to think this was the end of all my harrowing, life threatening adventures. To be honest, I was really just kinda tired. Pushing all those thoughts aside, I decided to just have a fun time and focus on grades for once.

With all my friends and family close by I enjoyed my first ever birthday party.

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