Turns Out I Do Actually Regret Being Rude That One Time

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Dylan and I immediately turned our attention back to the mutant. He had pinned down Hayami and had his claws buried in her shoulder, she was still gasping out in pain as I ran towards her, still dizzy from my fall.

He caught my fist as I attempted to punch him, still holding down Hayami. I felt my head spin again as his grip tightened and pain flared up my hand again. I struggled, to avail. Until suddenly, out of the corner of my eyes, I see Dylan pick up on those metal chairs that courtyard like this had, and promptly launch it through the air at us. It just missed me and hit the Dragonfire mutant right in the face, he tumbled backwards, were the rest of the group fell in on him, and he was momentarily distractedly the sheer number of teenagers jumping at him.

I clenched my teeth as I held my hand close to my chest. I reached my good hand down to Hayami, who was wheezing on the ground. I started to panic as I realized how badly she was bleeding. There were three giant slices trailing down her left shoulder. That didn't look good.

She took my hand, and I lifted her up carefully, she cried out, obviously in a lot of pain.

"You should go, you need to catch that guy. I'll be fine." She wheezed out.

I shook my head. "That's not fine, you're not fine Okay. Can you walk?"

She bit her lip and clutched her shoulder. "Yeah."

I glanced around, the Dragonfire guy must have tried to run for it because our group was gone. I could hear police and firemen sirens and realized we needed to find them again, and we needed to move.

I found my jacket and I laid it gently on her shoulder. "We needs to find the others."

It didn't take that long. We just followed the trail of destruction until we eventually found Icie, Genny, and Dylan in an alley.

"Are you okay?" Genny asked, as soon as she spotted us.

Hayami had started to bleed through my jacket. "I'm fine."

"That's not fine." Icie frowned. "You need a doctor, we need to call Mr. Wales."

    "We need to catch this guy." She insisted through gritted teeth. "I can last another hour or too. Where are the others? Where's the mutant?"

    "We split up when he started taking to the backstreets." Dylan explained. "We're trying to corner him."

    "Forget that." Genny commanded. "You need help, Hayami."

    "I'm-" she started, then her eyes widened. "Guys, there he is."

    The crocodile mutant had turned a corner to meet us. Upon spotting us he bolted directly for us. I met him head on and he nearly knocked me over when I wrapped my arms around his torso. He grunted and clawed at my back, but I flapped my wings violently around and was satisfied when I heard his disgruntled screeches.

    He knocked me to the ground of course, but just before he did this he let out a high-pitched shriek. It took me a moment to realized Dylan had rolled over his toes. Then, once he had pushed me the ground, immediately after Dylan swung his fist and hit him square in the jaw.

    Dragonfire stopped and had to blinked for a moment. He and Dylan locked eyes. Behind his bangs, I could see his eyes widen and pupils dilate to almost more of a human look. There was still a human being in there somewhere.

It suddenly occurred to me that I had seen those eyes somewhere before, but I couldn't remember where.

Then Icie leapt at him and knocked him to the ground. His head hit the concrete, and he grew still. I knew he definitely wasn't dead, that would be too easy.

What had just happened? Why did Dylan make him stop like that? Where had I seen him before?

    We all stood there, breathing heavily for a second.

    "Did you see Dylan punch him?" Icie laughed, checking the unconscious mutant for a pulse, she gave us a thumbs up when she did.

    Dylan shook his hand and laughed nervously. "Thanks?"

    "My favorite part was when you threw a chair at him." I added.

    Dylan blushed again in embarrassment. "Oh come on you guys, you were awesome too."

    "Yeah, whatever." Genny shrugged it off, looking uncomfortable. "We've got to get this guy somewhere secure before he wakes up, and Hayami still needs medical help."

    "I'm still doing just dandy, stop worrying about me." Hayami said from farther away, she had sat down after the mutant was knocked unconscious, and had started to turn pale.

    Then it happened. I saw his scaly foot twitch out of the corner of my eyes. His eyebrows creased. Icie was still standing on top of him, holding him down, but her grip had slacked. Before I could even move to say anything his arms, claws unsheathed, shot out and suddenly dragged themselves across Icie's gut.

    Icie gasped in agony, and froze up, in her moment of weakness the mutant tossed her away like a rag doll. I roared and jumped forward, grabbed into on of his feet, but he lifted me up and threw me through the air again. The started scaling the buildings wall right next to us, he was trying to escape. I couldn't let him do that.

    I flicked out my wings and was about to leap after him when Genny grabbed my shoulder.

    "Tyler stop!" She demanded. "Stop it, we have it let him go, we can't chase him!"

    "Why not?" I whipped around angrily.

    Then I saw how Hayami and Dylan were leaning over Icie, my heart dropped into my stomach. I rushed over to where she was laying down, propped up slightly against some of the trash cans in the ally. The was a huge cut across her stomach and she was wheezing and bleeding a lot, like dangerously a lot.

"Don't just stand there, you idiots!" Dylan spat out, surprisingly viciously. "Do something! Help Me!"

Hayami got my jacket from her shoulder and handed to Genny, Dylan had lifted Icie up and they wrapped it around her midsection carefully. Genny tied it tight, then went to take Icie from Dylan, who almost growled when she did so.

"Dylan, let me take her!" Genny snapped, annoyed.

"No!" He spat back.

"Tyler?" A new voice asked curiously.

I turned my head and I couldn't because it. There was no freaking way.

Anne Marie rushed towards us. "Is that blood? What happened to her?"

    "It's a long story." Dylan wasn't even fazed. "She needs a hospital now."

    "Are you sure? What about you-know?" Hayami asked, gesturing with her good arm at Icie's fuzzy ears.

    Dylan looked like he wanted to punch every single one of us. "Hospital."

    Anne Marie looked stunned as she took this all in. "My parent's hospital is near here, it's quicker than walking. Follow me," she stopped Genny as she went to carry Icie again. "Let him do it, it'll be a smoother ride."

    The six of us followed Anna Marie (me pushing Dylan) to her parents hospital and wondered what kind of trouble we were about to get ourselves into. It didn't show in Dylan's voice, but he was near tears, I could tell. Icie had passed out a while ago. I just hoped Anne Marie wouldn't freak out to much after it became apparent that we were all freaks. It wouldn't take that long for her to notice.

This just goes to show, I probably should have been a little nicer to her the first time we met.

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