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𝐒𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧
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" coco baby, it's time to wake up sweet girl, it's your first day of school " Taylor cooed, rubbing her daughter's back lovingly in attempt to wake her up

" today is the day mommy?? " the 5 year old practically squealed, she'd been so excited for her first day of school since Taylor had decided to en roll her. It was a hard decision, one she took a lot of care and thought for, but she knew it was in Colette's best interest and she'd done a lot of research and found a school not too far from where they lived, it was private and after taking a tour and having a meeting with Colette's new teacher, Taylor was more than satisfied to send her daughter there.

" yup. You're just so excited, huh? " Taylor tickled Colette's belly, who immediately started giggling

She hopped right out of bed after the giggles had subsided, rushing into the corner of her room where Taylor had laid out her uniform, the school colette would be attending had a mandatory uniform policy so Taylor got her dressed into it, although it was slightly hard as Colette was constantly bouncing around with excitement. With all the energy she had, Taylor ushered her to the kitchen and only a few months ago, Colette wasn't the biggest fan on breakfast, but recently she'd been really into it and Taylor was glad because it meant she wasn't going the whole day without having eaten anything. So today for breakfast, Colette had toast with jelly and some strawberries on the side, of course finishing it off with apple juice.

" is daddy coming mommy? " Colette asked, a mouthful of toast on show

" coco, swallow your food before talking " taylor laughed reminding her of her manners " but yes, he's just at training a little this morning but he'll be home before you go okay? " Taylor explained, a delicate nod being received from Colette

As she was packing Colette's lunch box, she heard some soft sobs from the baby monitor, immediately telling her that at least one, if not two, of the babies were up. She left Colette engrossed in eating and hurried up the stairs to her and Travis' room, seeing her now 3 month twins, wide awake: Noah cooing and Knox being the one who was crying.

" oh buddy, mommy is gonna get you out " she cooed at Knox, scooping him out of his crib and into her arms. They still slept in Taylor and Travis' room, mostly because Taylor didn't want to put them into their own room until they were at least 6 months old and thankfully, their room was large enough for two cribs. The boys slept pretty well nowadays, but they still woke up on the odd occasion during the night.

Whilst Noah was still content, Taylor took the moment to change Knox's diaper, and his pyjamas too whilst she was at it, he had clearly drooled a lot during the night. After that was done, she headed downstairs with both twins in her arms, so she could make them both a bottle. Despite her desire to breastfeed, it was really taking an emotional toll on Taylor, it was so overwhelming trying to nurse two of them and she barely got the chance to pump meaning most feeds fell on her shoulders. She found it disheartening that she couldn't feed her babies but with the advice from their paediatrician and her fiancé, she had decided that perhaps formula was going to be the best option for all 3 of them and the boys didn't seem to mind, they were happy with the switch and both took to it really well. She laid Knox in her arms, Noah on her lap, as they drank their bottles, both finishing pretty quickly. After a quick burp and some smiles, she laid them in their swings so she could turn her attention back to Colette. Solo mornings were hard, especially with Travis being in training camp, but Taylor had sort of got it under control now, but she wasn't sure how long that would last now she had a school run to battle with.

𝐒𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now