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𝐒𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧
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" am I in trouble mommy? " Colette asked from her car seat, her ocean blue eyes still having a slight glisten of tears to them, but she was a lot calmer now she was back with Taylor

" no sweetheart. Not at all. Mommy is so proud of you, okay? You are never returning, I'll make sure of it. Don't worry your pretty little mind any longer, you did nothing wrong " Taylor assures softly, lovingly stroking her cheek

The drive home was tedious, both of them looking forward to being back in the proximity of Travis. Taylor was so worked up, so horrified, she'd said something to a manager as she left but no one really seemed that interested in what she had to say. Taylor didn't care if she got fined or quite frankly what money she had to pay, her daughter was to never see Joe again. Pulling up to Taylor's London home felt like a breath of fresh air after the distressing day they had. Colette was very shaken up, not really engaging much with her mother and Taylor couldn't blame her. However, it seemed as though she was still relying on Taylor for comfort as she held her arms up to be carried once they'd gotten out of the car, Taylor accepted, also sort of wanting to seek comfort from her daughter as she nestled her head into Taylor neck, playing gently with the loose curls that fell down her back.

The house was quiet when they entered, but the vision of life still hung, 2 stray bottles on the living room table, toys scattered methodically around it that you could easily find yourself tripping over. Taylor's eyes softened as she saw one twin - Noah - sleeping peacefully on the living room floor, in a rather odd position, on his stomach, bottom up in the air as his head rested comfortably on his hands, sucking on his paci. It was quite possible the cutest thing, he'd obviously gotten tired when playing with his toys. Now being 10 months old was obviously quite exhausting. Leaving him be, she turned, Colette still settling in her arms as she walked towards the kitchen, the aromas of food cooking filling the room. Taylor shot Travis a small smile when they clocked each other, him at the stove, but he was very aware that it was a facade, Colette lifeless in her arms gave him that impression. He frowned, tears immediately emerging from Taylor's eyes as he very quickly pulled them both into his arms. Both girls now crying, but his arms around them was all they needed in that moment, just a little source of comfort that was going a long way.

" hey, hey, whatever happened, you're both safe now, I've got you okay? " he shushed them, as Colette reached for him.

" daddy! " she cried, collapsing into his arms as Taylor handed her over

" come here girly, I've got you " he placed a small kiss to her head, one that was reassuring for the young girl.

" are the boys okay? I see we've got one exotic sleeper in the living room " Taylor forced a small giggle, Noah's sleeping position being rather strange but he often slept like that in his crib, so it wasn't all that surprising

" oh is he out? He's been fighting it all afternoon so I just left him to play whilst I started dinner, Knox is asleep in his crib " Travis filled Taylor in, the monitor on the side where she could see Knox fast asleep. This wasn't exactly the topic Travis wanted to talk about, but he was just glad she was talking in general

" hey coco, mommy's going to fetch you a small treat for how brave you've been, do you want to watch a movie and we'll be through in just a sec? " Taylor suggested, the little blonde nodding against Travis' chest. She got her set up in the living room, of course Finding Nemo being Colette's first choice of movie as she settled with her bunny, blanket and a bowl of fruit snacks and mini cookies – just a light snack before dinner.

𝐒𝐨 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now