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"I stopped CPR after all it' no use, the spirit was gone, we would never come to

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"I stopped CPR after all it' no use, the spirit was gone, we would never come to...and I'm just mad as hell cause I loved this place."

On that day, Miguel returned to Harley's dimension, changed into his civilian clothes, and entered a regular hospital. Bloodshot eyes and dried tears on his cheeks. The emergency room staff looked at him with wide eyes when they saw a woman in his arms. Her injuries and face were covered by his arms, but a large amount of blood was present.

The nurses immediately dragged him into a room. Miguel laid her down on the bed, revealing all the injuries. The nurses couldn't help but gasp, and one had to run away from her gruesome injuries.

They asked Miguel what happened, and he told them what happened but tweaked the narrative a little. He didn't want to reveal the multiverse thing or the purple explosion thing.

As two of the nurses got to stitching her up and wiping away the blood, the other two nurses also noticed the ripped-up Spider-suit. They glanced at him in confusion.

Miguel sighed deeply before he pulled the mask out of his pocket. Their eyes widened in recognition of the mask, but sadness was prominent in their eyes. But they didn't have time to dwell on emotions since they had a patient to take care of.

"Would you please call when everything's been taken care of?" Miguel asked.

"Yes, of course." One of the nurses answered. "But before you leave, you need to fill out a few forms."

"Yeah, and keep the watch on. It's important for her to have it on." Miguel spoke before going to the front desk. After filling out the form, he walked outside and hid behind the building. He opened the portal and entered.

Miguel stood outside the door of the house. Afraid of telling Harley's father the truth. His only daughter was gone for good. He had no choice, though. He deserved to know. Miguel knocked on the door and waited for a moment before the door opened.

Ben opened the door to see Miguel, whose confident aura had dimmed. Ben saw his expression and had an anxious feeling in his gut.

"Can I enter? It's something important." Miguel asked Ben, who only nodded in response. When Miguel entered, the door closed behind him.

Miguel sat on the couch, taking a deep breath, as he observed the man sitting down. He opened his mouth, but his mouth dried as he swallowed a frog. Miguel sat frozen for a little while, just staring at Ben, who was slowly getting irritated.

"Spit it out, boy." Ben forcefully told him.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but." Miguel sucked in a breath, blinking rapidly to stop himself from crying. "Harley passed."

"What?" Ben asked with furrowed brows.

"There was an accident, and she didn't make it." Miguel choked on his words.

"No, you're lying." Ben shook his head in denial. "You better be lying to me. Look me in the eyes and tell me this is a lie."

Miguel frowned deeply and only stared into his eyes; not a single word was spoken. Suddenly, his body lifted from the couch and slammed against the wall.

Ben had lifted his body and slammed him against the wall. His hands tightened around Miguel's collared shirt. His eyes were wide, and a vein was popping out of his forehead. Just pure anger. "She's not fucking dead."

Miguel spoke no words but just stared.

Ben lifted his body once more and slammed him back down against the wall. "You're just a liar. I know your type. Yeah, you seem all intelligent and shit, but at the end of the day, you're a two-faced fucker who makes everyone's life miserable."

Not completely inaccurate.

"When I find out you're lying, you won't see another fucking day." Ben threatened him. His emotions overrode his logic. He was in complete denial of his daughter's death. Anyone who made a joke about that would have their head on a stake.

Miguel pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and showed it to him. "It has the hospital's contact information. Call them."

Ben released him before snatching the paper out of his hand. He quickly walked toward the phone in the kitchen. His harsh footsteps echo through the house.

Miguel stood there, observing the man calling the hospital.

"Hello, yes. I'm looking for my daughter." Ben's hand shook as he held the phone.

"Your daughter's name?" The front desk employee asked. Ben could hear the clacking of a keyboard from the other end of the line.

"Harley Rider."

"Your name and relationship with the patient?"

"Ben Rider, Father."

"Okay, yes. How may I help you?"

"Is my daughter dead?" He got straight to the point. He wanted to hear the proof. He didn't trust Miguel's word. He was praying that his daughter wasn't dead. He could hear the hesitation in her voice, afraid to talk.

"Yes, Mr.Rider. She has passed."

"No. There's more they can do."

"Mr.Rider I'm sorry—"

"Don't tell me that I'm sorry, shit. They didn't do good enough. Try again."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Rider, but we tried everything. Her injuries were too severe to treat."

"I—I—" He stuttered over his words. "Let me see her. Now."

"Of course, sir."

Ben abruptly hung up the phone and snatched the coat from the coat rack. He glared at Miguel. "You're coming with me."

Miguel, Ben, and a doctor walked past the different rooms. Each time, they walked past the other patients. They took a left turn away from the patient's rooms. Ben's hope of one of the rooms being Harley's diminished as soon as they stood in front of a room.

'215 Mortuary Unit.'

The doctor opened the door before Miguel and Ben entered. They noticed a body covered in a white cloth. Ben walked towards the body. The tag on her toe reads her name.

His hands removed the cloth from her face. Although all the blood was cleaned up and the stitches were done, it was still gruesome to see.

This was the time it sunk in for Ben. When he saw her face, he knew she was gone. His palms held her face, pressing his forehead against hers, and he sobbed loudly. The man who pushed all his emotions back, storing them like a dam, broke.

The sob was gut wrenching, and the doctor and Miguel couldn't help but let a few tears down. A father who lost his daughter was one of the most sorrowful scenes.

Ben couldn't breathe. He felt as though his heart was about to jump out of his chest. One of the most important women of his life was gone—his wife. Another was gone, his daughter. He failed to protect her, and the tremendous guilt weighed on him like a boulder.

He felt immensely sad when she was no longer a little girl but an adult. But this kind of grievance will never be fixed. He then whispered to her, his thumb caressing her cheek. "I know what I'm about to say. You're going to hate me for it. But you'll always be a little girl to me. We'll see each other again. I promise."

When Ethan got the message of Harley's passing, he was celebrating his birthday and couldn't wait for Harley and Ben to come. Especially since he didn't see Harley as much. He was extremely happy when she promised to come.

The excitement on his face dropped when he got the news. The phone dropped to the floor, and he went down with it. He didn't let tears stream down his face, yet shock and terror engraved his face.

Penny immediately ran towards him, concerned.

"She's gone." Ethan murmured, slowly becoming tearful.

"Who?" Penny asked.


"Like she's gone, missing? Did she try to run away from her problems again? I told that girl—"

"No, she's passed." Ethan finally looked Penny in the eyes. "She's—she's dead, Penny."

Penny froze for a moment before a feeling of nausea erupted and she immediately ran towards the toilet. She vomited into the toilet before flushing it. She looked toward her stomach; she didn't expect pregnancy to be this way. To be filled with so much grief. Her hands lay on her stomach, crying.

Harley and her baby will never be able to meet each other.

Ethan looked at the pictures on the wall. His eyes landed on Harley's, but he quickly looked away. He could no longer look at the picture with happiness. No more sleepovers, no more hugs, no more hearing her voice, and no more laughter.

The message spread like wildfire in the Spider-Man headquarters. The very bright and airy mood is turning into a dark and heavy one. No words were spoken.

Hobie couldn't believe his best friend was dead. He would no longer teach her guitar or have missions together. His hand tightly grasped the pin on his black vest. The one she gave him.

Jessica released a shaky breath, caressing her baby bump. Her husband is attempting to comfort her.

Peter stood in front of the open window. His hand covered his face as he cried. His hair turned into more of a mess as the wind combed through it. His cry floated through the neighborhood. MJ rubbed his back, comforting him. Mayday's hands reached towards her dad, cooing. Not knowing what was going on.

Gwen tightly grasped the Polaroid in her hand, sitting on her bed. The last picture between Gwen and Harley. The two were in a side hug, wearing a ridiculous hat. She sniffled loudly as she continued to stare. She couldn't go to her dad for reassurance since they weren't on good terms.

The news never reached Miles.

The whole of New York was in shock as they revealed the identity of spider woman. They were even more shocked when they found out she had died.

It was a sad day for everyone.

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