Jason's Family 2

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Continuation from Jason's Family 1.

Jason's mom and Aunt Lily were laughing together as they were reminiscing about the good old days. "And remember when we were getting our doctorates and we pulled that chemistry prank?"

Christian blinked as he, Jason, and Emma were sitting next to them. "Chemistry prank?"

Emma giggled. "It's a classic tale." She told him. "Just a lame story about how they had to take chemistry with this stuck up professor and switched the chemicals to backfire on him one way or another."

"What happened?"

Emma leaned in and whispered, "He turned into a toad and was later dissected."

Christian bristled as Jason gave his sister an evil look. "Don't listen to her." He spoke to his fiance. "None of that happened. Part of his face was chemically peeled off."

Christian began to feel queasy. "Excuse me for a moment." He rushed to the bathroom.

"Should we check on him?" Emma asked Jason concerned. "I didn't mean to upset him."

"He'll be fine." Jason assured her. "He's just got a light stomach when it comes to things like this."

"Maybe you should've lied about what happened."

"I guess I should've just told him his hair caught on fire or something out of those comedies he watches." Jason noticed Brock heading to the bathroom area as well.

In the men's room, Christian was dabbing a wet piece of paper towel on his face and neck. "Can't take the heat in there?" He jumped before eyeing Brock.

"I'm fine. Just a creepy chemistry story."

"Ah. Aunt Lily told you what happened."

"Jason's mom brought it up."

"And they say I'm the pranking devil of this family."

"No offense. But I didn't know Jason came from a spooky family."

"Spooky is a nice way of putting it." Brock said. "Our family is filled with lots of doctors. Medical and scientific. As well as computer geniuses. Some are seasoned linguists."

Christian's eyes widened. "Really? How come you guys haven't taken over the world yet?"

Brock chuckled in amusement. "Cause that would be too easy."

"Is that so?"

"What are you two yammering on about?" Jason's voiced asked aloud and spooked Christian.

"Hey Jason. Nothing much. Just about how gifted everyone in your family is."

"Hey Jason." Brock repeated what Christian said. "Don't you have pet names for each other?"

Christian chuckled sheepishly. "We tried a couple of times, but Jason wasn't a big fan of having and giving pet names."

"Really?" Brock said. "Shame on you, cuz. Maybe I can help find the right ones for you two."

"Brock." Jason threatened.

"Jason bear. No, wait. Jason poo." Christian couldn't help but laugh when he noticed the evil glare his fiancé was giving him and stopped. "I got it." Brock announced. "We should combine your names together."

"Like mending our names?" Christian asked Brock.

"Affirmative little ginger." Brock is racking his brain. "How about Chrason? Or Jition?"

Christian made a deadpan face. "I don't think those would really stick."

Jason grabbed Chirstian by the wrist. "They won't because we are not combining our names. Now let's go." as he was dragging Christian out.

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