First Christmas

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What was Christian's first Christmas with his family like?

Snowflakes are falling. The air is chilled. Children are playing in the snow. Christmas lights and decorations are covering the city as holiday songs emanate from it.

"Merry Christmas." Christian merrily spoke as he handed an elderly woman a box of gingerbread men.

"Merry Christmas to you too, young man." She replied before leaving.

"It's so freaking cold." One of his friends complained. "Why couldn't the church throw the bake sale indoors?"

"Because the pipes bursted and flooded the space we usually would throw it." He explained.

"Still sucks though." He said as he attempts to warm himself up.

That's when a priest arrived with two steaming cups in his hands. "Have some apple cider. It should warm you two up."

"Thank you, Father Miguel." They both thanked him as they accepted the hot beverages gratefully.

"Christian!" They look to see Christian's long-lost family walking cautiously towards him with Jason guiding them through the crowd.

"Hey guys." He greeted gleefully.

They opened their mouths to speak but froze upon seeing the man in clerics clothing.

"I see you don't have a shortage of friends." He told Christian.

He looked bashful. "Actually, this is my biological family. And you remember Jason."

"Biological family?"

"Yup. Fate brought us back together."

"The Lord works in mysterious ways." Father Miguel said before stretching his hand out to them. "I'm Father Arturo. But everyone calls me Father Miguel."

Calvin accepted the handshake. "It's a pleasure meeting you. I am Christian's father." He swears his hand is burning upon contact.

"I can see the resemblance." Father Miguel is joking a bit.

An old nun is pushing her way through the group of people. "Father. Father Mitchelson wishes to speak to you about the Christmas Eve mass."

"Tell him I'll be right there." She looked at Christian's family making them uneasy before leaving.

Father Miguel pulled away from Calvin's grasp. "I better get going. It was nice meeting you folks. And any family members of Christian is always welcomed to The Holy Rose Parish." When he left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"How do you do it?" Jacob asked.

"I was baptized twice, so." Christian's family is staring at him like he's grown two heads.

"How?" Ashley asked.

Christian blew a raspberry. "My first foster parents were practicing Christians. Then my second foster parents were Catholic, and they didn't believe I was baptized since my certificate was lost in the fire, so"

They stared at him incredulously. "Anyways, about Christmas." Sarah broke the tense silence.

Calvin and Tracy beamed. "Right! We traditionally choose a place to go and spend time together. But this year, we are letting you choose, since it's our first year together."

Christian's eyes widened. "Really?" They nodded as Calvin presented him a handful of brochures.

"We present, the world." He announced enthusiastically.

His friend peeked over his shoulder. "The Bahamas. Hawaii. Sweden. New Zealand. Etcetera. And you get to ride in a private jet? Okay, that's it. I better get going before jealousy consumes me. Merry Christmas. You lucky bastard."

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