Boarding School Prequel

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How John and Sebastian met.

 "This is Johnson Dubois. He's going to be sharing a room with you throughout your time here." The head of the dorm announced to seventeen year old Sebastian.

He feels his heart beating erratically as he observes the fifteen year old blonde that stands before him.

"Nice to meet you." He greeted with a stoic expression on his face.

Sebastian composed himself before saying, "Likewise."

A couple days later, Sebastian is reading on a bench in the school's courtyard when he hears a few female students talking from a safe distance.

"Who is that?"

"That's Gerard Niko's nephew."

"Why does he look old for a Freshman?"

"Haven't you heard? Monster hunters kidnapped him and murdered his parents. So, he's a couple years behind in schooling."

"What? No way."

They stopped speaking when Sebastian gave them a death glare, and they excused themselves.

He sighed in frustration as memories of his kidnapping popped into his mind.

"It is time to call our loved ones." John popped out of nowhere.

"And you're telling me why?" he asked him.

John joined him on the bench. "You've yet to make any phone calls. Why is that?"

Sebastian frowned. As much as he loves his uncle, he's upset with him for sending him far away to study instead of attending the same high school as his younger cousin. "It's none of your business, Dubois." He got up and left.

Sometime later, John returned to their shared dorm-room as Sebastian works on homework. He silently crept by and is changing out of his uniform. Sebastian couldn't help glancing at the younger teen's burly body as he puts on casual black attire. When John finished, he noticed him staring and he looked away. "Anything wrong?" he asked.

Sebastian feels his cheeks heating up. "Nothing." He returned to his schoolwork.

The next day, students are eating lunch in the mess hall. Sebastian is seated by his lonesome in the corner feeling exhausted. He couldn't rest after getting a glance of his roommate. At first sight, he seemed nimble. How wrong and surprised was he? He is mentally chiding himself. He can't have a crush on the blue-eyed teen, could he?

"May I join you?" speaking of the devil. John is standing before him with a tray of food. He shrugged his shoulders before he placed it down and sat across from him at the table.

"No offense." Sebastian mumbled. "But wouldn't there be others that would make better company?"

John's lips twitched upward ever so slightly. "Possibly. However, I choose your company over everyone else's."

Sebastian tilted his head. "And why would you do that?" he asked curiously.

It's John's turn to shrug before taking a bite of his food, making Sebastian furrow his brow quizzically.

"Oh Johnson." Teenage Alex Peacock stood before them.

"Alexandra." He greeted nonchalantly.

"Is that anyway to greet a fellow student?" she asked.

"Only you." He answered.

"What? How dare you. I mean, of course it's only the beginning of school and I would like to get to know you better." She's trailing her index finger alongside his shoulder.

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