Regressing 1

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Christian and his siblings regress into children.

"How did you guys convince me to do this again?" Christian asked as he and his family are hiking through the forest outside the family manor with backpacks and duffel bags.

Jacob snorted. "You agreed to go camping with us a couple weeks ago, so deal with it. And don't even think about sneaking back to the house cause Troy and Jason will just drag you back if you tried."

Christian frowned as he thought about his boyfriend. Jason was disappointed when it was announced that this is a camping trip for just the 9 of them to try and catch up on their time apart. He didn't miss Jason pouting as he left, and can just imagine what he'll have to do to cheer him up when he returns in a couple of days.

What felt like an eternity, they found a clearing. "It looks the same as always." Jesse said as everyone is placing their stuff down to get situated.

Christian couldn't help noticing his parents getting giddy as they are unpacking and taking a couple of cameras out. "Are they okay?" Christian asked his siblings. "They seem super excited for some reason. Mom I could see, but dad. I wouldn't have pegged him as an outdoorsy person."

Roger huffed in annoyance. "Damn it. I almost forgot about us having to shift."

Christian blinked. "Shift? Is this some kind of weird vampire/werewolf test?" a few of his siblings laughed while others snorted.

That's when his sister Ashley wrapped her arm around his neck. "We have a huge favor to ask you, dear brother of ours. And before you say no, it can be done since we all have vampire blood and can shift into almost anything if we put our minds to it."

Christian narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "What are you guys up to? What exactly do you want us to transform into?"

After much debate and his father crying and begging on his knees, Christian finally agreed to this outrageous plan of theirs. Tracy beamed when Christian's siblings have all shifted into 9 year old versions of themselves. Calvin is equally excited to see them back in their children forms.

Ashley is happily looking at herself through a compact mirror. "I forgot how adorable I was. No wonder I used to steal candy and get away with it."

Sarah rolled her eyes before looking at John. "He looks the same. Except he's younger now, and is dressed casually for once." She murmured as John is wearing khaki shorts and a polo short sleeve top instead of his usual suit and tie.

Jesse is separating Roger and Jacob as they began wrestling for old time's sakes before looking at a cluster of bushes. "C'mon Christian! We are all waiting! If you need help, we can help you!"

They hear whining. "Do I really have to?! I feel ridiculous."

"Christian!" everyone yelled at the same time and hear sighing.

"Okay." he slowly emerged and everyone gasped.

Nine year old Christian is 3'9 compared to the others being 4'10 or taller. His eyes look bigger than usual and his cheeks are chunkier compared to when he's an adult.

Before he could feel awkward, his mom rushed over and is crushing him in her arms. "My baby!" she cried out as Christian is struggling to breathe.

"Ugh! Ack!" his siblings are grinning wide as their father is snapping photos with one of the cameras.

When his mother finally let go, Christian is enduring harsh cheek pinching from Ashley. "Your cheeks are even squishier than before."

Christian is wincing. "Ow. Ow."

Roger placed his hand on top of Christian's head. "I never knew you were this small. You can pass as a Christmas elf." He pouted despite his face being squished.

Calvin is taking photos happily. "This is one of the happiest moments of my life." He's on the verge of crying. "Let's go and have fun, shall we?" he asked and everyone but Christian cheered.

They spent the day swimming, fishing, playing volleyball, tag, hide and seek, and more. Most of the time Christian's siblings either picked on him or pranked him.

And later at night, everyone is seated around the fire on their sleeping bags as their father tells a scary campfire tale.

"That is when the sound of footsteps approach, and as the door creaks." Calvin made his best impersonation of a creaking sound to add affect. Roger nudged Jacob and pointed at a trembling sleeping bag as the story continues. They couldn't keep the smirk off their faces as a mischievous idea popped into their heads. "And the human screamed when the boogey man found her, and he laughed the most cynical laugh you will ever hear."

To finish the story, he laughed evilly. And at that moment, Roger and Jacob grabbed Christian and made him yelp and hop in his sleeping bag before bumping into a tree and slumping down with a groan.

Everybody but Tracy laughed as she made her way over to Mother Hen him. "Are you alright, honey? You need me to kiss your boo-boos?" she asked as Christian's head popped out with swirly eyes.

"I'll be okay." he managed to say before passing out.

Jesse sniffed the air and looked at the sky. "We better head into our tents. Rain is coming."

Soon, rain is pouring down hard and thunder can be heard as lightning flashed. Everyone but Christian is fast asleep. For as long as he can remember, he has always hated thunder storms. It made him uneasy. He feels himself trembling and whining before feeling someone grab his arm. He stiffened before looking at John.

"Are you okay?" Christian nodded.

"Sorry I woke you." John smiled a bit.

"I may not remember much of your time with us before you were separated but I have vague memories of you hating storms like this. Well, most of it was red hair, or was it fur? That would shake like a leaf and cry."

Christian bowed his head. "Is that so?"

John's smile grew. "I'm glad." Christian looked up and scowled.

"Glad about what?"

"That we got to spend some time together with you like this. It's as if a missing piece of a puzzle has been put into place."

Christian's scowl disappeared and he began smiling himself. "It was fun, even though I was pranked a lot. I always wondered what it would be like to be with a family on a trip. And now I finally know."

They hear grunting. "Can you two quit it with the mushy stuff?" Roger is peering from his resting area of the tent. "I'm trying to rest here."

They hear chuckling and look to see Jacob is up too. "You're one to talk. You woke up the same time as us the moment we heard him whining. I guess its memory reflex or something."

Christian is blushing. "Shut it. You could've just gone back to sleep." lightning flashed again and made him tremble.

John is patting his back in an attempt to comfort him. "There. There. We are all here for you."

A few days later, they are returning home in their adult forms as Calvin and Tracy are looking at the photos taken of their trip. "These are tremendous. I can't wait till we do this again."

Christian bristled. "What?"

Ashley is side hugging him. "You honestly didn't think that was the only time we would regress into children, did you?"

Christian made a face as he thinks of all the possible places they will go and slumped as they hike back home. "Someone help me." he mumbled.

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