Prequel Alternative 1

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If Christian and Jason were next door neighbors and weren't separated from one another.

In a nice neighborhood, seven year old Jason is checking out the new neighbors moving into the house right next to his and his family's.

"That's a lot of people." His nine year old sister, Emma said as she peeked over his shoulder. He humphed as six year old Jacob and Roger are wrestling and growling at one another and crashed into a couple of boxes.

"Guys." six year old Sarah reprimanded as six year old Ashley pouted.

Troy came out with six year old John and Jesse following behind. "Come on, get your butts moving so we can figure out room arrangements."

Everyone scrambled to get inside. "Wow. Another zombie." Emma felt excited.

Jason huffed. "The poor man is probably their servant. Huh?"

They see a box moving on its own. "Do they have a spirit living with them too? What kind of neighbors do we have?" Jason asked when the box tipped over and six year old Christian's head popped out.

"Awe. What a cutie." Christian spotted them. "Hello!" Emma waved and greeted enthusiastically.

"What are you doing?" Jason asked as he pulled her hand down. She shoved him and rushed over to greet him. "Emma." Jason chased after her.

Christian is trembling as they made their way over. "No need to be afraid. We are your friends." She reached out to him and smiled kindly. Christian cautiously crawled out and she helped him stand.

"Emma." They look to see Jason glaring at them. "Don't just barge in and greet whoever you want. I don't like him nor his family."

Christian didn't get a chance to sulk when Emma walked behind and is squishing his face. " Look at this adorable little face. How could you not like him?"

Christian is wincing in pain. "Ow. Ow."

Jason opened his mouth when Calvin came out. "There you are." They look to see him smiling and sparkling. Emma is blushing as Jason gaped at the man. "Your mother was beginning to worry and." He noticed the newcomers. "Hello, little ones."

Emma is swooning with how smooth his accent is making Jason roll his eyes. "My name is Calvin, and I see you've already met the smallest member of our family."

"Emma, Jason." They look to the side to see Jason and Emma's mother with her hands on her hips. "What are you doing? Get over here."

"But mom." Emma is whining.

"Now, young lady." She and Jason walked to her and she smiled apologetically. "I am so sorry. My children like to snoop around."

Calvin smiled dazzlingly making her blush. "It is alright. My children tend to get into messes all the time. I apologize in advance if they cause you any trouble."

She couldn't help smiling and waving her hands. "No need to apologize, I'm sure they're little angels."

Calvin chuckled. "That's very kind of you, but once you meet them you'll learn that they aren't. If you aren't doing anything later, my family and I are having a barbeque. Why don't you and your little ones join us? It will be nice to get to know a few neighbors."

She agreed to come with no resistance. "Wonderful. We shall see you at four 'o' clock."

She smiled as Calvin escorted young Christian inside. "Mom, not you too." Jason frowned as Emma and their mom are squealing in delight.

Sometime later, Jason, Emma, their mom, and a few other neighbors are in the backyard. "Sorry about everyone else. Word travels fast around here, and some of the other neighbors are my extended family."

Calvin sparkled. "No need to apologize Mrs. Williams. The more the merrier I say." He laughed and made her heart flutter.

Tracy noticed and is pulling him by the ear. "Please don't charm our neighbors, or you'll get into trouble."

He smiled sheepishly. "Yes dear. I'll tone my aura down." They look around as the children are playing and getting along as Troy is at the grill conversing with a few men.

Jason is pouting as he watches everyone getting along. "I think I'm going to be sick." He retreated behind the tree against the fence with a few bushes surrounding it. When he knew nobody was going to pester him, he sighed in relief. It didn't last long when he heard snoring. 

"What the heck?" he crawled to look for the source of the sound and found Christian sleeping contently in-between a shrub and the wooden fence. "Hey." He shook him but he slapped him away unconsciously. Jason growled and shook him harder. "Get your lazy butt up." instead of waking up, Christian rolled over and hugged his arm.

"What are you doing? Let go, you annoying little amoeba." As he is trying to free his arm, Christian's lips brushed against his skin as he happily nuzzles closer making Jason blush. "What kind of trick are you pulling?"

As Christian continued snoring, he feels his breathing and couldn't help staring at his lips and feels his heart fluttering in his chest. Beginning to feel freaked out, he yelled loud enough for everyone else to hear, "Get your annoying little ass up!" they hear yelping and Christian running for his life as Jason chases after him.

"Awe. I get the feeling they are going to be best friends." Tracy happily leaned against her husband as they watch the scene in amusement as the others laugh, Emma pouts, and Jason's mom reprimanding him when he got him in a choke hold.

"Mercy! Mercy!" Christian screamed tearfully.

When everyone is leaving, Jason's mom is still yelling at him. "No TV for a month! Do you hear me?!" he glanced to see Christian rubbing his neck painfully and he couldn't help grinning.

This made Christian puff his cheeks out which he thought was adorable. When the thought hit him, he looked away with a scowl on his face. "Don't give me that look! Aren't you even listening to me?!" Despite himself, Jason grew attached to Christian's family and Christian especially over the years, and on his fifteenth birthday everyone is celebrating inside Jason's house.

Everyone has given him a birthday present or card except for Christian. When it was his turn, he handed him a piece of paper. "An IOU. Really?" everyone is sniggering.

"I'm sorry. I accidentally broke your gift when someone pranked me!" He leered at Ashley and Roger as they whistle casually. "But I promise to give you your gift later."

As everyone was leaving, Christian stayed behind to help clean. "You didn't have to help clean." Jason said as he's throwing things in the garbage bag.

"I want to, and why are you cleaning? It's your birthday. You shouldn't be cleaning." He snatched the bag from him and is throwing things away at a swift pace.

"My, I've never seen such enthusiasm when it comes to cleaning. Aren't you sweet." Jason's mother happily said before putting on her sweater. "I am heading to work. Please try not to burn the house down."

As she was heading out, Emma ran after her. "Mom, can you give me a ride to Carol's?" when the door closed, the atmosphere grew tense.

Christian broke it by chuckling sheepishly. "So, what would you like for your belated birthday gift? I can get you anything within a thirty dollar range. I could get you a book, a gift card, ooh maybe a trip to one of the museums."

Jason smiled when he watched Christian jabber non-stop. "I already know what I want."

Christian looked at him with his eyes twinkling. "Really? Tell me, and I'm sure I can get it for you."

He yelped in surprise when Jason grabbed him and rammed him against the wall. "What's the big idea? You're hurting me."

Jason feels his heart beating in his chest just like when they were children but more intense. "I've wanted this gift for a very long time now."

"Huh? Then what is it? Um Jason?" Jason leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. "Mm!" Christian dropped the trash bag in shock as he was struggling in his grip before giving in and kissing back.

When they pulled apart, Jason hugged him tightly. "This is the best gift ever." He said happily making Christian blush.

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