Moving Day

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Christian's moving in with Jason.

"I'm really going to miss this place." Christian said as the last of his stuff was being taken downstairs.

"Why? Cause you can't escape your fiance's wrath anymore?" Jacob teased him.

"No." Christian answered, but did mentally think that.

Jessie smiled and pulled Christian into a side hug. "Don't worry." she spoke. "I was also nervous when Bryan and I first moved in together in our own home."


"Yes. I mean, Don't get me wrong. It was nice living with everyone, and the thought of having our own space was nice. However, I felt very secure being with everybody that I worried how different things would be."

"What did you do?"

"I thought about my future with Bryan and the kids, and realized that even if I get lonely or insecure, that our family is one phone call away."

"And you and Bryan?"

"Everything fell into place once we settled in together. And even though we have our differences, we tackle them head-on."

"It's hard to picture you guys arguing."

"It happens. Occasionally."

"Lucky you."

"The point is, despite your differences, you and Jason are going to be fine."

"You don't think he'll kick me out if we really got into it, do you?"

Jessie squeezed Christian's shoulder tenderly. "That's when you call us."

Christian smiled and patted his sister's forearm. "Thanks sis."

Roger entered through the front door of Christian's old home. "Everything's ready." Christian's family got up and gathered at the door.

"It's time." Jessie announced.

"I know." Christian said. And looking around one last time, he followed everyone out and shut the door.

Twenty minutes later they arrived at Jason's three bedroom, two bath condo. When there was knocking on the door, Jason opened it.

"Delivery." Ashley chirped as everyone stood at the doorway with boxes in their hands.

"Come on in and make a pile by the stairway." Jason gestured for everyone to enter.

As Christian's siblings walked ahead, Christian stopped in front of Jason. "Are you sure about this?" He asked him. "Once I'm here. I am here."

Jason's mouth twitched into a smile. "I'm very sure." He assured him back. "And I don't intend on letting you leave that easily."

"You know that sounds creepy, right?"

"You know what I mean."

"I'm not so sure I do."

Christian winced when Roger bonked him on the head. "Don't think we're doing all the work. Now, move your ass."

Christian gave his baby brother a look. "I'm getting to it. Just making sure where I'll be so we don't have to do double the work." He hissed at him.

"Likely story." Roger said before shoving him towards the pile of boxes that were forming. Christian pouted as he carried and dropped the cardboard box in his hands.

Twenty five minutes passed before they finished placing stuff inside. "Thank you everyone. We got it from here, and we'll see you at our house warming party tomorrow night." Jason told Christian's family as they headed out.

When they were gone, Jason glanced at the stuff that came with his fiance. "Now, we must go through everything and decide what stays and what goes."

"I think everything will fit."

Jason rolled his eyes. "I highly doubt it. And no, we aren't storing stuff in the spare bedroom."

Christian frowned. "Fine. But don't expect me to get rid of too much. I'm not a clean freak like you."

"I know." Jason said. "But don't think I'm letting you turn this place into a pig sty."

For a couple of hours they went through all of Christian's stuff and organized three piles. One to donate. One to toss. And one to keep.

"I'm glad we're finally going to live together." Jason told Christian. "I've been waiting for this to happen."

Christian looked at him with wide eyes. "You have?"


"For how long, might I ask."

"Since we first got together." Jason admitted.

"What?" Christian squeaked out. "How did you even know we'd live together?"

"Call it, mate intuition." Jason said.

"Mate intuition?"

Jason growled at him. "What? You didn't think we'd make it this far or what?"

"No." Christian answered swiftly. "I was hoping we'd make it this far. It's just that you never mentioned living together before, so it came as a surprise is all."

Jason stopped digging through stuff and sighed. "You're right." He spoke. "I never offered before, but it's not because I didn't want to. I just wanted to do it right by you."

"Huh?" Christian asked.

"I know it's ridiculous because your family is okay with us, but I wanted to wait until we were married before moving in together. That's why I waited to ask till now. I was even going to surprise you on our wedding night, but your family insisted on doing this a few months before the wedding to get us better acquainted with one another."

Christian couldn't help feeling love swelling in his chest. "Jason." He jumped and hugged him as Jason held him with a grin on his face.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They pulled apart. "Let's say we finish this so we can celebrate together with Chinese takeout."

Christian beamed. "Aye aye captain."

Jason chuckled as they rummaged through the rest of Christian's stuff in anticipation.

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