Happy Birthday

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One of Christian and his siblings birthday.

The septuplet's birthday has arrived on a Saturday, and Christian and Jason are walking to their first destination. Christian's stomach growled and Jason glared at him.

"It's your own fault for sleeping in."

Christian looked at him annoyed. "Hey. Not my fault I was dreaming about bacon."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Come on. We don't want to be late. We'll get you some chips from the vending machine when we get there."

Christian gaped. "Chips? You think a tiny bag of chips will save me?"

Jason narrowed his eyes. "Either that, or you don't eat at all."

Christian pouted. "Fine."

They arrived at a local gym and entered. "Jacob, Jessie, and Roger smiled when they saw them.

"Hey guys." Jessie hugged them happily and Roger placed his hand on top of Christian's head.

"Is it me, or did you shrink since the last time I saw you?"

Christian blushed and slapped his hand away. "What sport are we playing? Where's mom, Bryan and the kids?"

Jacob and Roger laughed as Jessie elbowed them. "They are waiting inside the arena. They are with the others on the bleachers. They're just going to watch."

"Huh?" Christian looked at them quizzically. "Just watching? Wouldn't they prefer to join us?"

Jacob wrapped his arm around his neck as they are going in. "You'll understand when we get in." He looked at Jason. "They saved you a front row seat."

Laughter echoed through the arena as Christian yelped as Roger jumped him in the mud pit and mud splashed all over. 'So, this is why everybody wanted to watch.' Christian thought as Jessie tackled Roger and he's trying to swim away as Jacob grabbed him. "Ah! Mercy! Mercy!"

When it was over, and Jessie was proclaimed the winner, they are getting cleaned up in the locker room. Christian is lying face-down in the mud. "Okay, up and Adam." Jason said as he's struggling to hoist him up. 

"Just squish my face in and finish the job." 

Jason rolled his eyes. "Stop being so dramatic." he said before finally dragging him out of the mud pit.

The family is outside about to head their separate ways. "We'll meet you for dinner. Make enough cake for everyone." Tracy said as the werewolves are leaving, and Christian hears the kids talking about how fun the match was to watch.

They went to a local bakery where a young girl greeted them warmly. "Welcome. We got your stations ready, and here's your aprons."

Christian smells the aroma of baked goods. Jason noticed. "Don't even think about swiping sweets." Christian pouted as they headed to one of the tables with their blue aprons on.

A few hours later, everyone is piping their cakes. Sarah and Ashley made a small cake for themselves. John and Calvin made cakes as big as a wedding cake. Jason made a normal sized cake you see in a grocery store. All of them look delicious and are decorated beautifully.

The girl working at the bakery admired them and gasped in horror when she saw the cake Christian made. It is a medium sized chocolate cake that looks crumby and ready to collapse at any time. It has messy buttercream and smeared piping on it. Christian smiled sheepishly. "Believe it or not, that is one of my best works."

"You should see how he makes pasta." Jason chimed in and earned a glare from his boyfriend. The girl smiled kindly and excused herself.

"What is it supposed to be?" Ashley asked and poked it where it crumbled.

"My cake." Christian said tearfully as his stomach growled for the hundredth time that day. "Shut it." he snapped at his own belly.

When everyone finished baking, Troy met them in his Cruella DeVille car where they are loading the boxes of cake in the back seat. "Is he okay?" he asked as Christian groaned.

Calvin sighed. "They wanted to throw his cake, but he ate it instead."

"You know you can't cook. How did you even eat it? Your stomach must be made of scrap iron." Sarah said as she handed him a barf bag,  just in case.

Luckily, Christian recovered in time for dinner. Calvin raised his glass at the huge table they have in a fancy restaurant. "Happy birthday to all my children who have grown happy and healthy." Everyone happily stuffed their faces. Christian included. They behaved themselves for they are out in public.

After dinner, everyone is saying goodbye. "We'll see you guys Thanksgiving."

Sarah and Jason smiled. "Can't wait."

Christian looked at them exhausted. "Yeah, can't wait." he grumbled.

Sarah bid them goodnight and headed home.

Jason smirked as he's trailing Christian's arms with his fingers. "Ready for my gift?"

Christian huffed. "How did I know you would give me your gift last?"

Much to his surprise, Jason handed him a key with a little red fox key chain with a piece of paper.

He opened it curiously. "It's the lease to my place." He looked at him confused. "I don't understand."

Jason chuckled and pointed at it. "It says here that your lease is going to expire in a month, and I want you to move in with me."

Christian looked at him shocked. "What?"

He nodded and grabbed his hands. "I know it's a big step, especially with how different we are when it comes to cleanliness, but it isn't home without you. What do you say?"

Christian feels his heart flutter. "You promise you won't kick me out if we fight about something? Or if I accidentally break something?"

Jason placed his hand over his heart. "I promise I won't throw you out. Actually, if given the choice I would chain you up and never let you leave but I can live without the chains."

Christian pouted. "That's almost as creepy as you putting a tracker in my phone, but yes. I would love to move in with you."

Jason rolled his eyes playfully before pulling him in for a hug with a wide grin plastered on his face.

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