Prequel Alternative 5

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If Christian and Jason met out in the woods as kids.

It is raining in a dark forest, and six-year-old Jason has taken shelter underneath a big tree. "I can't believe I got lost." he looked around his surroundings. "How the heck am I getting back home?" He felt alert when he heard rustling in the bushes. "Who's there?" he demanded as he picked up some rocks to defend himself with when five-year-old Christian emerged with a little cooler in his hands. Jason exhaled in relief. "You're a kid like me." he dropped the rocks as Christian made his way over to him.


Jason stared at him. "Friend? I don't even know you. What are you doing?" He asked as Christian took a seat next to him.

"Need shelter."

"Are you lost too?"

"Got separated from my family, but no. Just need cover from the rain."

Jason's eyes narrowed at the little red head. "And why are you sitting next to me?"

"Need a friend."

"You needed a friend?" Christian nodded. "Sorry pal but go find your own tree." Lightning flashed and made a loud noise making Christian run and hug Jason tightly. "Let go of me." Jason told him when he felt the other trembling in fright. "Fine. You can stay, but only until the rain stops." Christian began to whine making Jason sigh.

An hour later, Jason and Christian are seated underneath the tree together. "By the way." He grabbed Christian's attention. "What's in that cooler?"



"My family and I went fishing."

"Sounds boring."

"It was." Christian agreed. "I took a nap."

"You technically didn't catch anything?"

"A boot."

"A boot?" Christian began blushing, and Jason felt his eyes softening. "How did you get separated from your family?"

"When I took a nap, they were there. When I woke up, they weren't."

"That's negligent of them." Jason stated.

"Normally I nap in the back of the car, but not this time."

"They have no idea that you're missing?"

Christan shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe when it's dinnertime." he looked at Jason. "What about you?"

It's Jason's turn to blush. "None of your business." he turned his head away as thoughts of wandering off after arguing with his mom about being a big kid. And how he got lost when the sun went down.

"I'm glad."

He looked back at Christian. "Glad about getting lost?"

Christian shook his head. "Glad we got to meet."

Jason feels his heart fluttering with those words. "You're a moron." he ignored Christian's sulking face as the rain continues to pour.

A half hour will pass before Jason says, "Gosh, this is boring. What are we going to do if we're stuck here all night?" The sound of crunching caught his attention and looked to see Christian happily munching on raw fish. "Gross." Jason said to him. Christian stared at him before opening the cooler and taking another fish out and offering it to him. "No thanks." Jason grumbled as he tried not to hurl.

A few more hours will pass, and Jason is shivering as rain continues to fall. "You gotta be freaking kidding me." he chattered and heard snoring. "How are you able to sleep with how cold it is?" he asked but got no proper response as he hugs himself. He gritted his teeth as he approached the red head and nudged him. "If I can't relax. You can't sleep. Hey!" he yelped when Christian pulled him down and is hugging him like a teddy bear. "What are you? Get off of me." he paused when he felt heat radiating off of his mysterious guest. "You're so warm." he returned the hug and pulled the young ginger on top of him while he lies on the ground to keep warm.

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