Prequel Alternative 2

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If Christian and Jason met at a hospital.

In a supernatural hospital, five year old Christian escaped the playpen that was supposed to be supervised and got lost. He wobbled through one hallway before finding the staircase. He took a shaky step and tumbled down and landed on top of six year old Jason.

"Get off of me!" Jason yelled and shook Christian off and glared at him making his eyes water.

"Oh no. That won't work on me." he said before Christian sobbed.

Jason narrowed his eyes before sighing. He bent down and wiped his tears away. "Please don't cry. I don't want the adults thinking I'm a bully or something."

Christian ceased crying and smiled as a sparkly aura surrounded him making Jason blush.

"Okay. Well, I'll see you around." he said before heading off, and Christian decided to follow him, much to his dismay. "Can you stop following me? It's creepy." he said.

"Lost." Christian mumbled making Jason pause and look at him.

"What?" he asked.

"Lost." he repeated. "Need friend."

Jason groaned. "We are not friends, so get lost and stay lost."

"Jason." they look to see eight year old Emma walking towards them. "There you are. Mom said to wait for her in her office." she spotted Christian. "Who's this?"

He huffed. "Some weirdo that got lost and bumped into me, literally."

Christian is trembling as she bent down to greet him. "Hi there. Where's your mommy?"

"Williams. Doctor." he mumbled shyly and blushed making Emma squeal.

"You are too cute." she pulled him into a hug, and for whatever reason, Jason felt a twinge of jealousy.

"Okay. Let go, so we can get out of here." he tried prying his sister away, but she tightened her hold on the little red head.

"What's wrong with you? We can't leave this little guy alone."

Jason made a face. "Little guy? He's taller than the both of us."

She let Christian go and scowled at him. "I am not leaving someone behind. We can take him to mom's office and she can help us find his family." she smiled at him. "Isn't that right?" he smiled and sparkled making her hug him again.

Sometime later, they are in their mother's office drinking juice boxes and hanging out. Despite Jason giving Christian the cold shoulder, he finds himself growing attached to their mysterious new friend.

"I guess we better do our homework before mom comes back. I don't want to wait to do it later. You don't mind, do you?" she asked Christian.

"Okay." He said.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Can't you say more than a couple of words?" he winced when Emma pinched his arm.

"Don't mind him. He's just a meanie." she stuck her tongue at him making Christian giggle, and Jason thought it was the most adorable sound he ever heard.

He feels his heart beating in his chest as a wave of affection took over. "What's going on?" he asked himself aloud and confused the other two.

Emma opened her mouth to speak when their mother opened the door. "Sorry it took so long. I had just finished my last patient and." she spotted Christian. "How did you get in here? I am pretty sure we dropped you off at day care while I checked on your siblings."

"You know him mom?" Emma asked.

She nodded. "Yes. He is one of my patients. He and his six brothers and sisters."

Jason and Emma's eyes widened. "Six brothers and sisters?"

She laughed. "That's right." she bent down and extended her hand out. "Let's see your mom. I'm sure she is going berserk looking for you."

Christian held her hand and happily said, "Doctor. Doctor."

She smiled. "That's right. I am your doctor. Come now." she's escorting him out with Jason and Emma accompanying them.

When they arrived at the playpen, they see and hear Tracy yelling at the staff for losing her child. Luckily for them, Jason's mother arrived. "Don't worry, Mrs. Dubois. I got him. He's safe and sound."

She looked at them and ran to bear hug Christian. "My baby! Thank you so much Dr. Williams!"

"There, there." she's patting her on the back.

That's when Christian's five year old siblings popped out from behind and spotted Jason and Emma. "Who are you?" Sarah asked while Jacob and Roger growled.

Emma waved her hands. "We are your brother's friends. I swear. Right Jason?"

Jason didn't say anything for a moment. "Jason." Emma feels the atmosphere getting tense.

He finally looked at them. "Say, if I wanted to marry your brother, do I have your blessing?"

Emma gaped at him while Christian's siblings killed over with laughter.

"What's so funny? I'm being serious." Jason frowned with their reaction.

"Sure." Ashley is clutching her ribs. "He's all yours. Remember, no return to senders."

Jason rolled his eyes before staring at Christian struggling out of his mother's grip and finds himself smiling as he walks over to him.

Christian stiffened when he held his hands. "Will you marry me?"

Christian's eyebrow rose. "Cake?" he asked, and Jason nodded his head.

"Then, yes." he said not realizing it is not a children's game, and that he and Jason will become best friends, and one day more.

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