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Ticket for you!

Yejin used three boxes of tissues as she cried because she didn't had a chance to buy a ticket for So Ji Sub fan meeting. She waited for it for how many months that's why she got so frustrated. 

She decide to went outside from her room when it seems that her friends already left.

Hyo Jin, Dong Gun, Hyun Bin and Yejin are bestfriends since college but Hyun Bin and Yejin are become close in their highschool days.

She is walking towards to her kitchen when she saw Hyun Bin still there watching some movies on her tv with popcorn and soda with him.

"Yah! You really wanna die? Why are you still here?" She said. Hyun Bin look at her and try to control his laughter to see her eyes swollen because of her cries. Yejin rolled her eyes and went to her fridge.

She got surprised to see her favorite chocolate ice cream inside. "It's my peace offering to you.. " Hyun Bin said behind her. Yejin craves for it but she try to control herself not to touch it because she still annoyed on him. She walk passed through and walk back to her room when Hyun Bin stop her. "Yah!" She said. "Are still mad?" He said. Yejin gave him a death glared, "what do you think?" She asked.

Hyun Bin let out a deep sigh and take her hand and put something on it. Yejin look at to it and her eyes widen to see two  VIP tickets of So Ji Sub's fan meeting. "I already bought a ticket for you thats why I did that earlier to stop you from buying." He said. Yejin let out a wide smile and make a koala hug to him. Hyun Bin immediately hold her for her not to fall. "Bin shhi... You didnt know how you makes me happy tonight.." She said. Hyun Bin smile, "Arasso, but please... Get away from me your heavy and my back is already hurting." He said. Yejin immediately went down from him as she pout her lips. "So, are we okay now?" He said. Yejin nodded. "Thank you, Bin shhi..." She said. "What do I get in return?" He said.

"Yah! I knew it... What do you this time?" She said. Hyun Bin put his arms on her shoulder. "Let me stay here for tonight? Arasso?" He said. "Aishh... Are you homeless?" She said and sit on the sofa. "Noona is on my place and I dont want to hear her nag tonight." He said. "Arasso..." She said.

Hyun Bin smile widely. "Wait, I get your ice cream..." He said.

They both watch the movie together but in the middle of it, Yejin lean her head on him and keeps yawning, "Bin, Im sleepy..." She said. "Arasso..." He said. He adjust his shoulder so Yejin can rest her head on his shoulder.


After the weekends, they're all went back to their regular routine, their job. Yejin and Hyo Jin are in one company. They were assistant supervisors. Dong Gun is a photographer while Hyun Bin is the president of his own IT company.

Yejin doing some paperworks when her phone beep.

'Did you bring your car? I have a meeting today so I can't fetch you...

From: Bin shhi

'Ani...  But it's okay I'll take a subway later... Yah! Mr. Hyun don't fall asleep while on the meeting... 😝

She replied. 

"Yej, let's go.... I'm  so hungry now..." Hyo Jin said. "Arasso..." Yejin said.

They went to some italian restaurant near their office. "Really?" Hyo Jin said. "Yes... I was so surprised to see two VIP tickets on my hand." Yejin said as she was so excited to tell it to Hyo Jin.  "Two tickets? It means, he also willing to come with you at the fan meeting?" Hyo Jin said. Yejin nodded. "Yes, he told me that we're going together... Waeyo? You wanna come with me?" She said. "Aniyo! I'm not like you, an obsessed fan of an actor...." Hyo Jin said. Yejin let out a peal of laughter. "Did you two has no romantic relationship at all?" Hyo Jin teased her.

"Yah!" Yejin said.

"I mean, you two are so close, so close to be mistaken as lover not friends or whatever. Eomma always asking me about your relationship with Bin." Hyo Jin said. "See, even my own mother is asking about the two of you." Hyo Jin added.

Yejin let out a peal of laughter."We're just like twins that's all... Nothing more than that." She said.

Hyo Jin drink her mango shake. "Arasso...." She said. 


Yejin left early because Hyo Jin needs to do rework on her report. She's walking at the side road towards the subway when a car suddenly stop infront of her.

"Bin shhi..." Yejin said.

"Hop in..." Hyun Bin said.

Yejin smile as she went inside the car.  "Yah! I thought you have a meeting?" She said while putting her seatbelt. "The meeting was finished early... So Ta-da! Im here to fetch you." He said. Yejin let out a peal of laughter. Hyun Bin look at him then his smile automatically seen on his face while watching her laughing. 

"Thanks for the ride, Bin..."She said when they reach on her apartment building. "Drive safely...  Goodnight.." She said and went down from his car. Hyun Bin wave his hand and watch her until she went inside the building.  
He let out a small smile when he recalled how he escaped from the meeting earlier.


Hyun Young Ae look at her brother who seem so distracted during their meeting. "Bin, Are you okay?" She asked. Hyun Bin look at her. "Ah yeah.. My head hurts a bit and my stomach still aching..." He lied and pretend to be sick. Young Ae immediately put her hand on his forehead. "Are you sick?" She said. "Go and rest at home... Don't worry,  tell your secretary to come up here and write every details for you so you can catch up about this meeting." She said.

"Thank you, Noona... Ill treat you next time..." He said. He immediately walk outside the convention room and let out a wide smile while walking at the hallway. 


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