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Jealous bestfriend

Yejin got surprised to see Shin Hye waiting on her outside of the company building where she's working at. 

"Eonnie..." She called as she wave her hand. Yejin smile and approach her. "Let's go... Let's have some dinner together..." Shin Hye said. She gently pull her and Yejin follow her.

A car stop infront of them and Shin Hye got surprised to see Bin inside of it.

"Oppa..." She said.

Yejin and Hyun Bin look to each other. "Hop in, I'll send you home..." He said.  "Aniyo... Shin Hye invites me to have dinner-" She said but Shin Hye interrupted her. "Oppa,  come and join us... It will be fun, right Eonnie?"Shin Hye said. Yejin let out a small smile. "Is it okay with you?" He asked but he's looking to Yejin. "Ofcourse..." Shin Hye said.

Hyun Bin open the door infront for Yejin but Shin Hye immediately went inside and seated. Yejin look at him. "It's fine..." She said and she open the door at the back seat and went inside.  Hyun Bin let out a deep sigh.

"Yej, where do you want to eat?" He asked as he start the car engine. Yejin is about to speak when Shin Hye speak. "Let's go to your favorite restaurant, Oppa... I am so curious about your taste, I mean in food." She said. Yejin rolled her eyes and trying to act normal.

Shin Hye talk a lots and asking about Hyun Bin. They talk as if Yejin is not with them. Yejin take her phone and she start browsing and put her earbuds and she listen on her playlists.

Hyun Bin steal glance of her through the rear mirror. 

When they reach the restaurant, Yejin got shocked to see that Hyun Bin bring them to her favorite restaurant instead of his. "I know you want to eat here." He whispered. Yejin let out a small smile, "Thank you, Bin..." She said and let out a small laugh.

Shin Hye notice them and she feel jealous. She put her hands around his arms. "Let's go, Oppa?" She said and gently pull him. Yejin follow them from their behind.

Hyun Bin held a chair for Yejin but Shin Hye look to her. "You take this sit, Shin Hye.." She said. Shin Hye smile and sit on that chair. Yejin sit opposite to Shin Hye.

Hyun Bin look at the two. "Oppa, sit here..." Shin Hye said and point the chair beside her. Yejin got startled when Hyun Bin seated beside her. She look at him. Shin Hye smile faded and Hyun Bin notice it. "I want to sit here so we can talk comfortable and we see each other." He said.

Yejin look away when she feel Shin Hye's eyes on her. "Oh, well you have a point..." Shin Hye said.

Hyun Bin ordered mostly Yejin's favorite and Yejin try not to smile and she remain silent.

Yejin make herself busy on eating as she try to ignored the two. "Let's go a around of drinks after this, what do you think Oppa?" Shin Hye said. Hyun Bin let out a small smile. "I'm sorry but I can't tonight. I have a lots of work to do." He said. Shin Hye make sad face. "C'mon... Yejin Eonnie also want to have drinks tonight, right Eonnie?" Shin hye said and she gently kick her under the table. Yejin drink her wine and nodded. "If you want let's drink together... Let's Bin go home and do his work." She said and she mean it.

"If Yejin will come... I'll come too." He said. Yejin look at him and they eyes met. Shin Hye look at them and drink her wine as her mood sudden change. 

"Eonnie..." Shin Hye called her. Yejin stop from eating and look at her. "I heard Ji Sub Oppa is courting you..." She said. Hyun Bin stop from his eating and take down his fork. "Waeyo? You still have no idea? I thought you already knew... I saw the two of you last time..." She said. Hyun Bin look at her. Yejin let out a small smile. "Yes... He told me about it." She said and drink her wine. "Woah... You're lucky... You caught his attention... There's so many girls wants to date him." Shin Hye said. "Just said yes to him.. He's a good man, I know because I work with him a lot." She said.

Hyun Bin let out a deep sigh. And act nonchalant.

"How about you, Oppa?" She asked. "Are you single?" She added. Yejin choked. "Im sorry..." She said. 

Because of Jealousy he feel right now, he try to shift his attention to Shin Hye. "Yes I am..." He said. Yejin drink her wine straight as she feel that she's hard on breathing.

Shin Hye let out a wide smile. "Really?  So no one will get mad if I ask you to date me?" She said directly.

Hyun Bin and Yejin both shocked for being straightforward.

"I think so..." He said. Yejin couldn't contain anymore she suddenly stood up. "Excuse me..." She said and walk towards to the washroom. 

Hyun Bin watching her as she walks.

Yejin keeps frowning while washing her hands. "Yes Im single..." She copied what Hyun Bin said earlier. She look at herself through the mirror   and let out a force smile. "You can do it, Yej... You're only his bestfriend and you don't have a right to feel jealous." She said. "So stop assuming and it's right to give your attention to someone. Someone who appreciate you and that is Ji Sub." She added. "But why my heart can't...." She whispered and let out a deep sigh.

She got so startled to see Shin Hye enter. "Are you okay, Eonnie?" She asked. Yejin nodded and let out a force smile. Shin Hye smile and fix her make up. "Eonnie... Can you let him stay with me tonight?" Shin Hye said. "What?" She asked. Shin Hye look at her. "I mean, let me spend some time with him alone. Just excuse yourself later. Can you?" She said.

"Shin Hye..." She said.

"Please Eonnie... I need to impress him but how can I do it if you're there with us." She said.

They are walking back to Hyun Bin's car and he notice Yejin is still in her silence. "Where do you want to have drinks, Eonnie?" She asked and look at her. She still seated on the back seat. Yejin let out a small smile. "Why don't we have a drink to your favorite  bar, Bin." She said. Hyun Bin look at her through the side mirror.

Yejin look away. 

When the car turns to left Yejin told him to stop the car. "Waeyo?" He asked. "I need to go down here..." She said. Hyun Bin look at her and Shin Hye smile.

"I have to meet someone..  You two enjoy your night.... Just update me how is it, Arasso?" She said and let out a force smile. "Arasso, Eonnie... Enjoy your night too.." Shin Hye said.

"Yej..." Hyun Bin called her. Yejin look at him. "Have fun with her but make sure to drive safe..." She said. She immediately went down from his car and try herself not to look back.

She let out a deep sigh when she feel he drive away.


side story

College days

Yejin POV

Eversince I saw him I think he alrrady has a special place in my heart. That's why I try to get close to him. Years passed and I realized how my feelings for him grow bigger and clearer, and Yes, I think I'm inlove with my bestfriend.

I try to confess my feelings for him when we enter in college but I'm being so coward and afraid that I might loose him forever if he will know what I really feel for him that's why I decide to hide it and love him secretly especially when I heard him saying to Dong Gun that I'm only his bestfriend and nothing more than that.

I thought it will pass as years goes by but everytime Im with him I am so happy yet makes me feel sad because I couldn't show him what I truly feel.

I have no rights to call him mine when someone try to flirt on him.



🤔🤔🤔 Sorry but I want to pull Shin Hye's hair... Hahaha...  ✌️

Aishh... I wonder who will confess first...  😁

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