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Surprised visit!

Side story

College days
University Field Week

"Oppa! Did you play piano right?"One of the junior student said. Hyun Bin just smile and look to Yejin who is busy on their booth. "Can you play later... Our classmate couldn't make it today, please save us..." She said. Hyun Bin look at them, "Arasso..." He said. "Yehey! Thank you oppa!"The girls said and he got shock when they suddenly hug him.

Yejin saw it. And she's frowning while looking at them. "Aishh... And you enjoy the hug..." She said. Hyo Jin heard her. "Hug? Who?" She said. Yejin pout her lips as she rolled her eyes. "Nothing... I remember the dog of my neighbor." She lied.

Hyun Bin and Dong Gun are seated in one of the booth infront of the booth of Broadcasting club where Yejin and Hyo Jin are members.

"Aishhh... No wonder why their booth has so many people, See.. Mostly are guys who like to get close to Yejin." Dong gun said. Hyun Bin noticed it too and he's already frowning as he try to control himself not to hurt those guys who try to hit on her.
He saw a guy who takes stolen shot of Yejin. He stood up and approach this guy. Dong gun watching him from their seats.

He took the camera from him. The guy startled. "Wae?" The guys said. Hyun Bin delete all of Yejins photos. "Yah! Why you deleting it? Who are you?" He said. Hyun Bin look at him intently. "Im her boyfriend! You wanna die? You don't have a rights to take stolen shot of my girlfriend..." He said. The guy gulped and look away. Hyun Bin return the camera and the guy immediately run fast away from him.

"What's that?" Dong Gun said when he return to their seats. "Ani... A friend I just greeted him but he has to go to the bathroom." He lied and return his eyes to Yejin who is wearing her eye smile. He take his phone and took a stolen shot of her.

The festival has started. Hyun Bin went up to the stage, as he promise to the junior students we will play piano.

Yejin and Hyo Jin see him and they both stop from their walk to watch his performance. Hyun Bin see her from the stage then he smile.

"I would like to dedicate this to someone... To someone who is very important to me, to the point that I have to hide my feelings for her to make sure that she's always on my sight." He said while looking to Yejin.

"Yah! I think that is for you,Yej..." Hyo Jin said. Yejin try to control her smile and remain her poker face.

"She's really pretty.... Her beauty is stands out wherever she is. This is for you.." He said as he start to play piano.

Yejin smile faded. "It's not me..." She said to Hyo Jin. She's hurting  while listening to Hyun Bin's performance and got jealous to that special someone he's been talking about.

"Whoever you are... I envy you, you caught his attention and that's what I'm dreaming of..." She murmured.


Present days

Bin wokes up happy to feel Yejin sleeping beside him. He remember her responsed last night on his proposal.

Flash backs

"Will you marry your bestfriend?" He asked. He knows that she loves him but he admits that he's really nervous this time.

Yejin tears keep flowing as she nodded. "Ofcourse... I want to marry you, Bin. This is my long time dream...." She said. Hyun Bin smile with tears on his eyes while putting the ring on her finger. Hyun Bin cup her face with his two hands and kiss her. Yejin close her eyes and feel their passionate kiss.

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